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Flagging the wing for a session of pure wave riding on the Lethal FSP Pro and Ypra Surf-Freestyle!

Switching from sailing to pure surfing on demand is certainly one of the most exciting aspects of wing foiling. You just need to place yourself on a swell line, take the wing by the downwind handle and feel the acceleration, engage in carves and go from one rail to the other. It’s everything we love in surfing. This session is the perfect illustration of this with Clément and Malo who literally park their Neutra and Droid UPE Aramid wings behind them during all of their rides.

Totally freed from the management of the wing, they can fully enjoy the speed, the rail-to-rail and the magic turn radius of the Ypra Surf-Freestyle with the short fuselage which takes them on this beautiful righthander which unfolds to the rhythm of the sets. Pure bliss!

Wing foilers: Clément and Malo, GONG Team Riders, with the Lethal FSP Pro, Droid and Neutra UPE Aramid, 92HM masts and Ypra Surf-Freestyle FW / Freestyle stab.

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Wing Foil Board Lethal FSP Pro

The must in wave riding without concession.
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Wing Droid UPE

The 100% freestyle wing to send high scoring tricks!
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Wing Neutra UPE

The wing for high performance wave riding!
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GONG | Foil Allvator Front Wing Ypra Surf-FreestyleGONG | Foil Allvator Front Wing Ypra Surf-Freestyle
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Protective Helmet

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Leash Belt Coiled 7mm

The Belt coiled Leash for Foil Boards.
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Sale Price 29,90€Regular Price

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