Air reverse

  • How to
  • Expert
  • Surf
Air reverse
It is a 360 that runs partially in the air in the manner of a 360° Pop when you’re in backside but with the amplitude of an air, so you need the help of the lip. You need to project off the lip with speed and crouched. With your arms ready to throw the rotation. Big push off the lip. You need to get the Board stuck to your feet by angling it straight up with the hull facing the wind. Just before getting the Fins out of the lip, you need to rotate the shoulders. Keep an eye on your landing zone. The rotation is in progress and we move the board slide back to stick it. The front-to-back pressure is balanced for absorbing the landing without crashing. We focus on the slide needed at the end of the rotation that will be done above the water. Hints : Have speed at the beginning for the launch. No need to catch too much air. Start on Kickers when  re-entering. Land it the at the bottom of the foam in the beginning. Face the Boards hull to the wind. Wear your Superman costume. Frontside as if it were a Backside, the direction of rotation is the same as a Roller. Imagine doing a Roller in the air. You leave the lip to continue this trajectory to an extreme in the air. This is a good way to visualize the direction of rotation. You’ll just go a lot higher, stronger, and farther to do a minimum of 180° + in the air. Surfer : Justin Becret on his GONG Surf Lethal PU Made In La France.
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