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While waiting for his Hipe and Foil, Daniel tested his Wing Superpower with his Inflatable SUP. Here’s his feedback:

“Hello, I’m 52 years old, sporty, I’m a Windsurfer, Windfoiler, SUPer… and I’ve just bought a wonderful Wing Gong Superpower 6m.
I also ordered the Hipe Board and a Foil, but as they are not delivered yet, I wanted to try the Wing with my favorite Inflatable SUP 10’6.

1st experience, in lake, 8-10 knots. Ouch it’s always hard to start a sport from scratch. But quickly, the Wing has traction, it even pulls quite quickly on the arms! The feeling of gliding is magnificent. The Board vibrates, you feel like you’re going at 40 knots, while you’re dragging yourself. But it’s impossible to steer. Okay, that’s not bad for a start.

2nd day: still on the lake, 5-8 knots. The Wing doesn’t reach 5 knots, so it can get tiring. To rest, I put the Wing on the deck of the Board, and then… miracle! The Wing is placed in such a way that the handles (or the wish) are in front of the rider, just like on a Windsurfing Board. It’s just disconcertingly easy. No effort in the arms, and it goes from 5-6 knots, much faster than with a paddle! And the upwind is very, very, very good. So I stay almost 4 hours on the water, alternating between the Windsurfing position and the classic Wing as soon as the wind reaches 8 knots. What a kick! Here it is, just a little feedback for those who just like cruising, without effort, and without risk of drifting too much. It’s far from a technique to perform, but frankly, what a pleasure to be able to ride in 5-6 knots with your SUP, and much faster than rowing. It reminds me of a Board from the 80s, the pleasure of tacking and being on the water. But here, it’s even better because you don’t have any weight in your arms while riding (or to put away your gear). Thanks to GONG for your great products, and for making me discover a cool new nautical activity. It’s going to be hard to find unseaworthy days now!” Rider: Daniel and his GONG Wing 6m Superpower.

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