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François, GONG ambassador, has recently equipped itself with the front wing Veloce XL with which he has been riding for 2 Wing Foil sessions. Here is his feedback:

“Back XL Veloce , 2nd Wing session with and 7th Wing session in total. 20/24 knots full side, wind that carries, flat, from chop to surf.

I listened to Beryl and Fred who both confirmed to me that we were gaining speed in kite stab/ stab 40 Curve. I had the 45 in the garage, so I set it up!


Indeed, the stab kite brings a gain of speed and incredibly maneuverable! It’s integrated!

Coming back to the Veloce XL, I confirm my statements from the 6th session, this wing is just crazy! But what a glide! Frankly impressive…

As a result, you’ve got speed all the time, the jibes in the air are a formality on both sides, I’ve even managed to surf the chop in DW mode… But what a kick!! The speed is good in the descents of the swell, I really had my mind blown… I know that my background of surf foiler is not there for nothing either, and there I serious loved it!  And it moves! Super easy for the curves and in the jibes, it turns on a dime if necessary. It’s promising for the next swell, hehehehe!

GONG Foil Allvator Front Wing Veloce.

In these wind conditions, the GONG Wing 5m Plus is perfect, take off easy, it does not tear, and I had fun like crazy! By holding it with one hand, the wing goes back without any problem and in the surf or jibes it’s mellow.

I love pumping in the waves, the VELOCE is a revelation for me, in addition to moving well for its wingspan, it promises swell descents and good surfing with disconcerting ease….

I had 2/3 swell descent, the wing in neutral, on about 300 meters, I caught up the sections by pumping easily, the wing accelerates, a little lightening of the back foot and pow you regain height and comfort for the next chop…what a pleasure ! On the right, on the left, it moves very well I tell you, a real surfer!

In short, 3h of session, 55kms of glide, Vmax 15 knots, and good cardio rises in the pumpings on the 30cm of chop with the Wing in hand 😉

I forgot, the leash GONG belt is very comfortable and never put me in default in the session, 100% adopted!”

Wing Foiler: François, GONG ambassador, and his GONG Foil Allvator Front Wing Veloce PRO Clear.

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Sent by par Jean Philippe

Hello, merci pour ton retour. Ton gabarit s’il te plaît ?

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