Description A complete pack includes:


A real shredder in all types of waves, pure Shortboard but easy to paddle and super easy in choppy waters.


The Karmen FSP 2X are boards 100% destined for carving: rollers, top turns, slashing, hardcore cutbacks, airs and heavy pumping waves, it turns on a dime and on demand. Ideal for producing aggressive surf sessions while maintaining comfort while paddling.

It’s a fluid and comfortable shape made in 8 sizes: 6’10, 7’3, 7’8, 7’11, 8’4, 8’9, 9’2 et 9’10 to satisfy a multitude of rider sizes.

Its tail is highly appreciated for its ability to bring together quick acceleration and extreme maneuverability. The work on the hull augments this as do the rails. But what is most retained is that it is a board that reacts immediately and cleanly.

Its slightly rounded point nose is comfy. Combine this with a consequential rocker and you have two exquisite qualities: a board that doesn’t pearl and one that is highly maneuverable.

The concave at the center of the board tightens up the lines for more speed. The harder you push the faster it will go. And it won’t slide out from under you because the concave gives enormous control.


Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X

High performance shortboard that’s tolerant and easy to paddle.

See Description
Regular Price 669€
Sale Price 669€Regular Price 747,90€
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
In action
A complete pack includes:


A real shredder in all types of waves, pure Shortboard but easy to paddle and super easy in choppy waters.


The Karmen FSP 2X are boards 100% destined for carving: rollers, top turns, slashing, hardcore cutbacks, airs and heavy pumping waves, it turns on a dime and on demand. Ideal for producing aggressive surf sessions while maintaining comfort while paddling.

It’s a fluid and comfortable shape made in 8 sizes: 6’10, 7’3, 7’8, 7’11, 8’4, 8’9, 9’2 et 9’10 to satisfy a multitude of rider sizes.

Its tail is highly appreciated for its ability to bring together quick acceleration and extreme maneuverability. The work on the hull augments this as do the rails. But what is most retained is that it is a board that reacts immediately and cleanly.

Its slightly rounded point nose is comfy. Combine this with a consequential rocker and you have two exquisite qualities: a board that doesn’t pearl and one that is highly maneuverable.

The concave at the center of the board tightens up the lines for more speed. The harder you push the faster it will go. And it won’t slide out from under you because the concave gives enormous control.

Pack SUP Karmen FSP 2X
In a nutshell
  • Rocker: considerable, to manage the descent and tight turns even full speed.
  • Rails: vertical and hard at the tail then softer towards the front for that real shortboard feeling.
  • Volume: a strict minimum for a given size in order to maintain comfort when paddling & a lighter/livelier surf.
  • Outline: moderate widths at the extremities to insure comfort and stability.
  • Deck: flat for the most stability.
  • Hull: single concave to double concave to a slightly V’d double concave.
  • Tail: aggressive diamond square tail for unhindered ripping.
  • Nose: rounded point nose.

The Karmen in details

The greatest quality coming from L’Ours shapes is harmony. His capacity to fuse and bring together these shape elements is exceptional. The boards are beautiful to the eye, with no exaggerations. That’s where we find the marks of a great shaper.

Two principal axes of work have guided the development of the Karmen: the round point nose and the hull in simple concave (under the rowing position) then the double concave (between the surf stance) ending in V at the back foot.

The Karmen’s rounded point nose makes for a useful surface to relax while paddling because the nose brings together and tightens up the lines at the front of the board. The width can be felt in your feet while paddling because the outline is slightly wider at the max width. These lines at the front half are more parallel than a stricter point nose, which helps the board pearl less at the take off. This nose gives the most comfort.

The form of this nose is thin, offering lift. The volume is concentrated at the center of the board right where it is most needed. This new distribution of volume reduces the surface/volume of the board offering a more aggressive surf, but also making it easier. The stability is much easier than with a regular point nose, making it possible to choose a lower volume without fearing repeated falls when the waterscape is rough.

The hull has had quite a lot of work done in tandem with all its other parameters. Flat thought the nose for faultless lift. The concave at the center of the board offers a lot of stability while rowing and acceleration in the bottom turn. The double concave at the front of the lateral fins distributes the water through them creating speed and creates a central V as a pivot point for the rail to rail action. Finally the tail ends with a pronounced V to accentuate the rail to rail and free the board up when carving.

The centered max width offers tighter carving radius and a lively ride. The board is light underfoot and the placement of the master width invites you to back those feet up and take serious advantage of the maneuverability of this shape.

The diamond tail offers the lift needed to reboot in small waves. Slightly less lift than a square tail but offers more rail to rail on demand. The feel of a seriously light board underfoot is real. This prolonged length at the tail tightens up the outline past the back foot in order to stabilize the board at high speeds. On the opposite hand a rounder tail, for example, would give too much maneuverability to the point of losing too much control. This diamond tail counterbalances the backed up max width to balance out its general performance.

The pure shortboard rocker is relatively pronounced in order to offer security on the slope. Since the hull funnels so much water to rocket forward, the rocker can be more pronounced without losing lift. And the central concave tenses up the central rocker line for more speed and acceleration. The board turns sharp once on the rail and it rockets through flatter sections.

The rails are round and soft up front and clearly more aggressive and hard after the max width. You’re on a modern board that loves to surf with speed and explosiveness.

The volume is delicately distributed with dominance around the handle to keep the tail thin and distribute the liters exactly where they’re needed. No worries with concern to the thickness at the rails because the domed deck erases the proximity of volume on this wide board.

Buying guide

For whom?

It’s the board for the one who doesn’t want any hassles: it works all the time.

It will be perfect for a Pro who wants comfort and high performance. But also for an almost beginner who will find in the big sizes a mellow and progressive board.

Neither wide nor narrow, it is easy to paddle and fast. You don’t need to be a world champion to stand on it.

The range comes in all possible sizes: there is one bound to be yours.

Either you’re a hot head, and you want to size down, or you want a cool board and you’re going to take it with a generous volume.

For what?

The Karmen is the board that does it all.

Small or big waves, soft or hollow, glassy or choppy, smooth curves or radical tricks, it does it all.

What size?

  • The 6’10 is best of the line for pros up to 65kg.
  • The 7’3 is best for pros up to 75kg.
  • The 7’8 is best for experienced riders up to 85kg.
  • The 7’11 is best for experienced riders weighing up to 95kg.
  • The 8’4 starts to be more gentle, perfect for athletic riders up to 90kg.
  • The 8’9 is cool for those under 90kg who are not very sporty and want comfort.
  • The 9’2 is “easy” for those under 100kg who are not very sporty and want comfort.
  • The 9’10 is super easy for everyone.

Which board bag?

Quiver partners?

The Karmen sits at the center in a SUP quiver. It’s self-sufficient and goes with everything. It’s often the board we take when the choice is not obvious. If hesitating: Karmen!

When the conditions are ideal for a Noserider, it’s obvious. We will hit the line-up with a NFA or a Noserider even more typified like the Soul or the Neverstick.

If we want more explosiveness, we’ll complete this Karmen with an Alley. And if we want more explosivity in the soft waves, we’ll get a Mob.

The Karmen will not have a hard time finding its place in a surfing quiver because it’s a board that does everything or almost everything. It will then be an alternative, but not a complement.

Which fin set-up?

Tri-Fin is the best option for nice curves on the Karmen.

The Quad works very well, especially on the bigger sizes to maximize the grip of the tail and boost the top speed and acceleration.

All the classic setups work, no particular gain in performance if you’re trying to get exotic. A good set of Performers will be perfect. Switch to Carvers if you want more directional stability (control).

To go further in the performance, Toledo and Wilson are top of the line, Fanning are more powerful for the same size. These Fins are only sold as a Tri-Fin set. To be completed with separately sold rear quads if you want all the configurations.

Take your recommended Fin size or just above. No less. You will need grip to harness its potentiel.

Reminder of the recommended FCS2 Fin sizes:

  • XS for those under 55 kg / 120 Lbs
  • S for 55 kg – 70 kg / 120 Lbs – 155 Lbs
  • M for 65 kg – 80 kg / 145 Lbs – 175 Lbs
  • L for 75 kg – 90 kg / 165 Lbs – 200 Lbs
  • XL for those over 85 kg / 190 Lbs.

Note that before the shape, it is the material of the fins that makes the performance. Remember that the stiffer the fins, the better it works. Yes, a pro needs good fins, but an amateur also needs to go fast because speed is the basis of all maneuvers.

Never take shorter, unless perhaps for kiting.

A surfer who wants more speed, more beautiful curves, cleaner surfing, working on his speed gain, will take one size above the recommended size.

How to compose a Quad that suits you:

In a setup that mixes sets, consider that the front side fins do the grip and the acceleration; and the rear ones do the pivot, the drive and a little bit of grip. So, focus on good side fins adapted to your need for power and speed.

Flat inner-sided quad rears have more grip and less glide. A stronger grip, but a top speed and a handling one notch below the curved inner faces (20/80 for example). Favor the flat sides despite everything.

And too big quad rears totally block the handling of your board, giving you the impression that its tail “floats” too much in the curves. Hateful. Better too small than too big.

In 9’10 the Karmen fin set-up is 2 + 1, so two FCS2 side fins and a US center fin. The goal is to increase the size of the center to give more drive to this big board. To make it more maneuverable, you can equip it with a sharper fin than the standard one. You can keep two big side fins and mount a 6″ or 7″ Clique, or Connect center fins, which will give you more smoothness in the rail to rail, and make the rollers go in automatic mode. The front of the center fin 1cm behind the tips of the side fins for maximum maneuverability and 5cm behind the tips of the side fins for maximum control.

Some major assembly guidelines:

  • Side fins of 115mm + center fin of 6″: not enough drive, it’ll skid out a lot.
  • Side fins of 115mm + center fin of 7: ideal for a maximum of handling and freedom in the curves.
  • Side fins of 115mm + center fin of 8: perfect turn management and nice curves.
  • Side fins of 115mm + center fin of 9: a lot of drive, probably too much.
  • Side fins of 115mm + center fin of 10: too much unless you weigh 120 kg.

The front of the center fin 1cm to 2cm behind the tips of the side fins

How long should your paddle be?

Between your height and your height + 5cm, ideally in the Pro version for its weight. You can take it a bit shorter if you are into a more radical drive. Some cut it at the height of their eyebrows.

Which leash?

Take the length of your board: 7’ to 10’.

Take the length of your board and a 10’ for the 12’. Under shoulder high waves, reduced diameter (6mm) will make you gain a lot of speed. Above you must have a minimum of 7mm.

Check its condition before each session and change it every year. This is your life jacket.


The Karmen FSP 2X is equipped with our higher quality 5mm thick 3D Function pad which offers great comfort and grip. This anti-slip pad is ‘intelligent’ because it offers different sensations depending on the zones. The mix of grooves and open hole designs are made for visual/physical awareness of your stance. Your feet are better positioned and informed of their exact position to offer precise surfing.

Our ergonomic carry handle makes for easy carrying when transporting to the water. It also allows you to bring the board out of the water one handedly after a serious tiring session which is super practical!!

On top of that these boards come with 5 FCS II Fin Boxes (2 + 1 on the 9’10). The fins are anchored in solid making them the most performant. It’s simply the highest standard of Fin Boxes on the market today. You will be able to mount your fins in either Quad or Tri Fin according to your desires and your surf style and also a wider catalog of the highest quality Fins.

The pressure valve which is placed within the carry handle is automatic and composed with a waterproof membrane that allows air to pass. It will manage the air flow and pressure between the exterior and interior of the board. The gain in durability is considerable, and there is nothing for you to do.

The leash plug is almost indestructible being that it is glued within the high density PVC sandwich. The assurance of not losing your board into the rocks is real and to also avoid having water infiltrate your board at that point being that the PVC is fully waterproof.

To summarize the features of the Karmen

  • 4 FCS II Glass Flex fins, for Quad mounting (2 Carver L/118mm side fins + 2 Carver S/100mm side fins ).
  • Exception for the Karmen 9′10: 1 US 7″/180mm central fin and 2 FCSII Carver Glass Flex S/100mm side fins for a 2 + 1 set-up.
  • 1 central box, FCS II, high resistance reinforced with high density PVC along the longitudinal axis of the board.
  • 4 front and back FCS II side boxes of high resistance reinforced with high density PVC for quad mounting.
  • 5 mm pad: deck covering designed for great comfort and absolute grip.
  • Integrated central carry handle on the board deck.
  • Leash plug Concrete fixed at tail to never lose your board.
  • Automatic vent screw. (LINK TO THE HOW TO)


Delivery delay

We indicate a preparation and shipping time of 3 working days. In reality, the majority of orders are shipped within 24/48 hours.

The delivery time, i.e. delivery time of the package to your home, then depends on the delivery location and the carrier.

We work with reliable and efficient carriers. 99% of shipments go perfectly and quickly. In the case of the remaining 1%, rest assured that we will do what is necessary with the carrier.

Shipping fees

Unlike other sites, shipping costs are not hidden behind the price of our products. You know exactly what shipping costs you, and you are not disadvantaged if you choose to collect your order at our GONG Space Center.

Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight and volume of each package, and your delivery address.

Tracking your package

Delivery tracking is managed directly by the carriers to whom we have entrusted your packages. They will contact you by email or SMS to allow you to choose delivery methods and follow the route of your package.


We work with the best transport societies to deliver to you throughout Europe and the world within very short deadlines. We chose them for their quality of service and their compliance with deadlines.

For mainland France, 80% of your orders arrive at their destination in less than 48 hours of processing.

For Europe, delivery times vary from 3 to 6 working days, depending on the country of destination.

For the rest of the world, delivery times depend on transit time and customs clearance time. This delay depends on customs and can last from a few days to a few weeks depending on the destination and seasonality.

Please note, transport time is added to preparation/shipping time. Two companies collaborate on your order (GONG and the carrier). Each one masters its activity and is committed to optimizing its deadlines so that you are delivered as quickly as possible and at a reasonable price.

Eco-responsible packaging

Preserving the environment is an absolute priority. This is why we do everything possible to reduce our ecological footprint.

The most important thing is to sell quality, durable products that will be repairable and will please you for a long time.

For our shipments, we use:

  • Scotch craft paper.

  • Final packaging in high-end cardboard.

  • For rigid boards: Flexi-Hex, very high resistance ecological packaging.

This means:

  • Reusable and recyclable packaging.

  • An almost total reduction in single-use plastic.

  • Maximum protection and impact resistance for rigid boards thanks to the innovative Flexi-Hex honeycomb design (35mm thick).

Receipt of your product

Upon delivery, check the condition of your package in the presence of the carrier. A complete explanation email on the procedure to follow will be sent to you when your order is shipped.

Despite our requirements and all the care we take in the packaging and protection of your product, transport hazards may occur, and your product may suffer more or less significant transport damage.

Note that the products are protected in their carton. If you have any doubts, simply refuse delivery and contact us.

More infos

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For more info on the GONG SUP KARMEN FSP 2X

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