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Riding without a Harness is sexy because it makes you feel free. We can move in all the directions, and it is very comfortable. On the other hand, you have to ride underpowered to not rip out your arms. It means having to pump often to take-off. On the other hand, if you like to ride overpowered, the use of a Harness is almost mandatory if you don’t want to do sessions with a one hour limit. In this case, Harness lines are super easy to install, as explained below.


Mounting harness lines

On the latest generation of our wings, two small straps are placed between the front handle and the first rear handle to fix harness lines.

On our first generation wings there are three handles between your two hands. You should put the harness lines on the handle next to your front hand and the other end on the next handle. The third remains free.

Whatever your wing model, we recommend fairly short harness lines.


Never use a Windsurfing Harness line because there is a real risk of injury during turns. The end of the windsurfing line is heavy and when it hits your eye, you will remember it.

Use a simple, preferably fairly stiff line.

Make a noose on the front handle and the low power handle and you’re done.


  • Use a 4mm maximum piece, especially not thicker, otherwise it will hurt you when making turns. 3mm with a sheath is the best. Ideally a kevlar piece with a very rigid sheath.
  • For the length, the ideal would be a 24/28cm tip when stretched (Length measured between the Harness loop and the Wing when you are in the Harness).
  • For the harness, choose the thinnest and softest possible. In our humble opinion, it’s better to avoid the blunt Harnesses, it kills the feeling of the Wing.

Note that using the Harness line on a low power Wing, like our Wing Plus, is counterproductive. The Wing will choke and you will go much slower than by hand.
 We offer a range of ultra rigid and powerful wings (Pulse and Superpower), which are more comfortable to ride with a harness.   Advisor: Patrice Guénolé, shaper & boss GONG-GALAXY.

1 comment

Sent by par Hookipa

A tester. Mais jusqu’à présent, des sessions de 2-3h (souvent le max de ce que je peux faire) sont tenables sans harnais, pourvu que ça dure. D’un autre côté, je ne fais que du plat ou des vagues, pas de tricks ni de sauts pour moi, ceci explique peut-être cela. En tout cas, bien pensé les sangles.

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