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The secret of long lasting equipment? Its maintenance.


The fact that our SUP boards are made in a solid full sandwich PVC construction means that if you take good care of it, this board will still be part of your quiver in 20 years from now! As show the pictures of our clients with boards that disappeared from our catalog ages ago!

SUPer : L’Ours, GONG Boss & Shaper.
  Good habits to keep your board in perfect condition are:

Protect the board from extreme temperatures

Whatever the construction of your board (monolithic or sandwich), its stratification hates extended exposure to extreme temperatures. Remember that the resin loses some of its attributes beyond 30°C above its polymerization temperature. If your board wasn’t fired in a kiln at 55°C as we do at GONG, but at room temperature, you will quickly have some problems. That’s why you must avoid leaving a board in your car in full sunlight. The temperature of your cockpit can quickly reach 50°C while outside it doesn’t exceed 20 degrees. Even worse, direct light (on the beach or under your windscreen) can raise the outside layer temperature beyond 90°C in a few minutes! It literally risks melting. So a board should be stored in the shade and airy place whatever its brand or its technology. It can seem crazy because, obviously, every board doesn’t burn at the first sunray. Even if the damages are not noticeable straight away, your board will age 10 times faster in sunlight. Make your board last for yourself or its next owner by not letting it be exposed in sunlight.

Protect the board from moisture

Unlike popular beliefs, boards don’t like moisture. Letting your board in a wet board bag can really damage the final layers. They are made to be in the water, not to stay soaked in it. Even a board with a gel coat finish like the one of a boat will have accessories like a pad that doesn’t like to be forgotten in the water. So when you get home: let it dry!

Protect the board from dings

The full sandwich PVC means that all the board is covered with a layer of high density hydrophobic PVC foam of 3 mm. And 3 mm is a lot, especially when a wooden sandwich board has a layer of 0,6 mm. At GONG, our sandwich includes the rails; this allows better resistance and perfect watertightness in case of a ding. In that case, the repair will be done as on a board without sandwich construction by only affecting the surface layers. Simple and fast. If the ding damaged the PVC layer, a professional repair is required. The asset of the sandwich technology is that repairs will last. The base on which the repair will be based is very solid and thick. So the repair will not move over time. That’s why the integral sandwich allows refurbishments even after violent bumps.

  • Simple rule: what sticks to your nail must be repaired.
  • Second rule: never let the foam blank get in contact with water. It behaves like a sponge.
SUPer : Moritz, GONG team rider, with a SUP Alley FSP Pro.

Protect the board from paddle strokes

Pads and wax naturally protect your SUP’s deck from paddle strokes. On the other hand, the rails are a prime target for paddle related abuses inside the water but also outside on rocks or in the parking lot.

That’s why we advise you to put rail savers on your board. They are auto adhesive strips that will protect rails of your board from your paddle and help its lifespan, without decreasing its ability to glide. These strips will cushion paddle strokes on your SUP and keep your board in a perfect state! Don’t forget to change them when they are worn out, every 2 to 4 years.


Before fixing your rail savers, remember to clean the rails with alcohol or Coleman fuel.

  • The small item is for boards up to 8’5. Sold by couple, dimensions: 161 x 05 cm.
  • The large item is for boards longer than 8’5 and race SUP boards. Sold by couple, dimensions: 191 x 06 cm.

Use a board bag

Most damages to our board are done before or after the session, when we carry or store it. That’s why it’s key to use a protective board bag.

There are board bags for every kind of board, from a shortSUP to a race SUP. The main concern is to choose one that will fit with your board. Because large board bag that’s too large will be less efficient against everyday hits and will be loose on your car’s roof racks.


Protect the fins

Few people take care of their fins. Yet, it generates 50% of the performance of your board. Careful: a chipped fin is dangerous. Fiberglass shards will cut like glass and leave a chaotic cut which will be hard to fix. Keep your fins covered, repair them by putting some resin and fiber and you’ll be all good.

Have some repair gear

To close a water intake, having a repair kit to hand will avoid you having to wait several days before going back to the water. After you sanded the ding, put the repair kit on the wound, then let it dry in sunlight (UV rays are key for it to work!). Sand it again when everything is dry to keep a smooth surface of your board. It’s an easy and efficient intervention to go back in the water in no time.

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SUP Day Bag

The perfect SUP board bag for daily use.
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SUP Quiver Bag

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SUP Bag Luxe Race

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SUP Luxe Bag

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Paddle Bag Adjustable 175/210

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GONG | Rail Saver Protection Sup/SurfGONG | Rail Saver Protection Sup/Surf
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Rail Saver Protection Sup/Surf

Rail Protectors, self-adhesive and transparent for your SUP or Surf boards.
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Fin Case 4 Sets

Semi-rigid case to store and transport up to 4 Fins sets !!FREE SHIPPING!!!
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