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All our foil setups are now equipped with a new transport bag. This new more compact and more practical bag is also available separately to neatly store your equipment. Its clever design allows flexible storage for your entire quiver.

It contains three padded compartments (for 2 front wings and a mast + plate or 3 front wings), two small specific pockets for the stabs, a small specific pocket for a fuselage and a last dedicated to the screws.


We offer them in 2 sizes: M and XL:

  • The M bag measures 800 mm x 300 mm x 160 mm (mast and front wing <800 mm length)
  • The XL bag measures 1100mm x 330mm x 180mm

This bag is made of two different types of nylon for even more resistance, neoprene finishes for the straps and handles for maximum comfort as well as 10 mm of foam on all internal and external walls of the bag for optimal protection.

This model has been designed to adapt to as many models as possible on the market, but take the time to check the dimensions to make sure it is compatible.

Since its release, many of you have told us how satisfied you are with this new foil bag, both for its compactness and its functionality.

Note that this new format also achieves another significant objective: For each delivery, we can receive 1.5 times more foils. This is a significant saving in transport costs but also in environmental costs. This doubly meets our commitments to provide you with products at competitive prices while constantly aiming to crush the CO2 balance.

Moreover, most of our deliveries arrive by train with a much smaller carbon footprint than maritime transport, let alone by air. Significant efforts are therefore being made to achieve our objectives.

The satisfaction that some have expressed to us is the icing on the cake!

1 comment

Sent by par gabriel chabert

J’ai acheté le format XL, il est génial. Quel gain de place! je peux prendre tous mes foils ensemble dans le même sac. Il prend peu de place et le matériel est très facile d’accès. J’y range tout mon matos : mats 65 et 95, fuselage, aile avant Curve LT, L et XL + 2 stab . J’avais l’ancienne version et je mets 2 fois plus de matos pour le même encombrement.

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