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Like every summer, many of you take advantage of these beautiful days to spend a maximum of time out on the water. You will of course use sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn. On the other hand, it is important to make the right choice because many products are very toxic and have a direct and serious impact on the oceans.



15 million. This is the number of sunscreens that are sold every year in France. According to National Geographic, no less than 14,000 tons are emitted into the oceans every year. So yes, sunscreens have their uses, notably to limit the risk of melanoma. On the other hand, the toxicity of these UV filters is no longer in doubt. Coral reefs all over the world are impacted, and the chemical filters present in these creams are a real scourge for the fauna and flora living in these underwater gardens.

At GONG, we are passionate about the ocean and nature, and we like to be out there as often as possible. This is why we offer our customers around the globe products that not only do we use, but also that are part of our commitment to environmental protection.

We have opted for the products from the French brand Greenbush, which develops and manufactures its products in France.

You can find three types of products in our online shop :

  • Greenbush combi : sunscreen SPF50 / nourishing lip stick. Very high protection and water resistant sunscreens SPF50+ to protect the face, lips and sensitive areas in extreme sunlight conditions.

  • Greenbush dry oil “Bio Cosmos”. Dry oil of natural origin that nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It also cleanses and removes make-up from the mineral sunscreen.

  • Greenbush sun stick SPF50+ white and beige. Very high protection and water resistant SPF50+ sun stick to protect the face, lips and sensitive areas in extreme sunlight conditions.

These products are made with ingredients from organic farming; they are non-toxic for the marine environment.

Find these products on the online shop.

Selected by: Patrice Guénolé and GONG-GALAXY.

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