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GONG headquarters go green! A new energy contract has been concluded ensuring a renewable energy production equivalent to our consumption.


The GONG staff brings together nature enthusiasts. The preservation of our environment is therefore systematically part of the decision-making process. At each stage we work on the environmental impact. For example, we apply strict rules for sorting and recycling all our waste, the packaging of our major products contains little or no plastic, and shaping room waste is reduced as much as possible. But above all, we produce durable boards using the most resistant technologies for each program.

The ecological challenges are enormous, therefore every opportunity to take a step in the right direction must be seized. The renewal of our electricity contract is one of these opportunities. The energy consumed today by 50 employees and tomorrow by more than 100, now comes exclusively from renewable sources. This is an additional cost for GONG but which we believe is necessary. We want to be part of a dynamic that allows the development of the supply of green electricity which is still relatively weak in France compared to other European countries. Our new contract ensures that for 1MWh consumed in our offices, shaping rooms and various storage sites, 1MWh of renewable electricity is produced. We are not naive about our environmental impact and energy issues. Our approach is to adopt a consistent behavior that brings concrete and measurable benefits. As we have been able to remove the plastic from the packaging of our rigid boards, we want to eliminate the use of fossil fuels for our electricity needs. This is only a step but we like to go in that direction. Patrice Guénolé, shaper & boss GONG and the GONG staff.


Sent by par Hookipasup

Super, c’est un pas en avant pour espérer laisser un monde meilleur à nos enfants.

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