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  • Wing

Our Wings are equipped with Handles located on the leading edge and on the center strut. These Handles are not there to look pretty, they have a very definite role, whether to manipulate your Wing on land or while riding. Leading Edge: On the leading edge you’ll find three Handles. The central handle, as its name suggests (downwind handle), is the handle you will use to hold your Wing when you are downwind or surfing. The Wing will not offer any resistance once in action. The other two handles on either side of the central handle, called the Upturn handle, are used exclusively for handling the Wing. They are called the Upturn handles and are used exclusively for handling the Wing, whether you want to carry it while you are in the water, or to handle it while stationary on the water.   Center Strut: The handles on the center strut are used exclusively for navigation. Their number varies according to the size of the Wing. In order to facilitate and improve your sailing experience, we have put different pictograms on the center strut so that you know which handle to use depending on what you want to do: – Full power handles: these are the two handles that will allow you to boost the power base, especially when going upwind. – Low power handle: by moving your hand from the full power handle to this one, you decrease the power base, like when you trim a kite. – Mega boost handle: This handle allows you to release the maximum power base of your Wing. Beware, it can get messy 😉 – Transfer handle: these handles are used during maneuvers like jibing or tacking and allow you to change hands. Shaper : Patrice Guénolé and his GONG Wing Pulse and Superpower.

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