FEEDBACK : 5'9 Lethal FSP !!!

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FEEDBACK : 5'9 Lethal FSP !!!

Hello Everybody,
So I received my New 5’9 Lethal FSP and I tried it in some smaller waves (waiting for bigger ones).
I immediately thanked Patrice for this little gem.
Here’s my feedback…
I loved the 2017 2SK version that I found to be super efficient in the surf. But really, with this new model it’s next levels!
It’s crazy how reactive and powerful she is, she turns on a dime, you can push hard on the rail on a bottom turn and she doesn’t slow down, in fact she speeds up….. serious fun!!
Well the first 5 minutes I needed to regroup, but once I got the hang of her, pure play!! So really, don’t hesitate.
Gaetan” Kiteboarder : Gaëtan et sa GONG Kiteboard 5’9 Lethal FSP. Source : Team GONG Kite, share that you love.

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