

The perfect pack for flying without wind!


If you've ever dreamed of simply flying on glassy water with just the strength of your arms, or catching that little swell that doesn't break, this pack will make it all come true!

This pack is the result of the evolution of foiling and the design of a specific board and will revolutionize the way you look at weather forecasts.

In just a few tries, you'll master the art of taking off on the flat. A few adjustments to position your feet correctly, and you'll start to take off and then really fly. Anything is possible now, taking off facing the swell, chasing a line in the distance and then cruising through with a series of carves.

And if the wind starts to blow timidly, this pack is the solution for ultra-light wing foiling conditions.

This complete pack includes:

If you have chosen a SIRUS L, your foil will be delivered with an XL DEEP FOIL BAG where all the components can fit.

If you have chosen a SIRUS XL, XXL or 3XL, your foil will be delivered with a DEEP FOIL BAG in size L for the rest of the foil's components.


Pack Flatstart Pro

The perfect pack for flying without wind!
See Description
Regular Price 2189€
Sale Price 2189€Regular Price 2962€
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
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Pack Flatstart Pro
Pack Flatstart Pro
In action


The perfect pack for flying without wind!


If you've ever dreamed of simply flying on glassy water with just the strength of your arms, or catching that little swell that doesn't break, this pack will make it all come true!

This pack is the result of the evolution of foiling and the design of a specific board and will revolutionize the way you look at weather forecasts.

In just a few tries, you'll master the art of taking off on the flat. A few adjustments to position your feet correctly, and you'll start to take off and then really fly. Anything is possible now, taking off facing the swell, chasing a line in the distance and then cruising through with a series of carves.

And if the wind starts to blow timidly, this pack is the solution for ultra-light wing foiling conditions.

This complete pack includes:

If you have chosen a SIRUS L, your foil will be delivered with an XL DEEP FOIL BAG where all the components can fit.

If you have chosen a SIRUS XL, XXL or 3XL, your foil will be delivered with a DEEP FOIL BAG in size L for the rest of the foil's components.

The board
The ultimate SUP and Wing board to perform in light winds, downwinders, to surf tiny waves and pump on the flat.

Whether you are into winging or SUP foiling, they offer you a complete experience and extreme performance. Downwinders, lightwinds, wave riding, freerace, flat starts, and even surf foil downwinders or surf foiling on tiny waves. Whether you’re geared up with a paddle, a wing or just your arms, the Cruzader is about discovering a new way of gliding, before taking off and flying endlessly.
  • In wing foiling it is simply stunning. It’s the gear to set world records for early takeoffs. 6 knots are all you need, and even less for the pros. Obviously it is an ultra specific use, but what a treat!!!!!! Flying effortlessly in only a few knots of wind, creating enough apparent wind to feel as if you were pulled by a solid 12 knots. Just awesome.
  • With a giant foil, in 6 knots, you only need to pump a few times to get the Cruzader going and the foil into action. Nothing can stop you! The feeling of silence is stunning. Sailing goes relatively fast, in almost nothing. We cruise around, work on maneuvers and if a swell bump crosses your path: it’s a festival. Imagine yourself freeflying on an almost glassy body of water. It’s just insane.
  • With a small foil, 800 to 1000cm2, you will take off 2 to 6 knots earlier than usual, depending on your pumping technique. In 8 knots you will be able to fly your little front wing, and wow… the speed is phenomenal. The glassy body of water scrolls under the board. A rocket when hardly anyone is flying.
And when the wind picks up? The Cruzader will allow you to fly effortlessly. It’s frustration-free. It glides better than any other board. No more insane pumping effort to get going. On the contrary, just get it to glide, pump a little and it will fly easily. And if the wind drops in the middle of a ride, we are almost certain to get going again. And if the wind totally drops, you have the length to calmly return at 3 or 4 knots of speed with the wing. Very facilitating and really reassuring, the Cruzader is not just an extreme board.

Its dimensions may scare, but the length makes it all easier. And note that this is a board that you would usually use in very easy conditions, with little chop and wind. So its finesse is just a plus.

For more information, click here
The foil
Our pumping wings with extreme aspect ratios to fly to infinity.

The lift of its profile is mind-boggling. Firstly because it was designed for the speed range of pumping. Then because a huge aspect ratio produces a glide which in itself translates to a powerful lift.

The Sirus can generate lift at an extremely low speed: A tiny wave or just a few energetic paddle strokes can make you take off. A very small impulse makes the foil plane very far. The flight time in a single session is increased tenfold.

But the most impressive thing is the stiffness and maneuverability of this front wing. Nothing twists, it’s as stiff as it gets. So every single intention of the rider is converted into action. No parasitic movements or latencies: it’s lively and fast.

The profile is supercritical with a pronounced hollow on the back end of the lower surface. This boosts the lift while giving an incredible glide and allows you to move at an impressive average speed for this program.

To perfectly balance this FW, we've included the Stab SIRUS in this pack. It is specially designed to counterbalance the power of the Sirus. The foil is therefore very predictable, with maximum glide to go further and further.

And to make this plane as performant as possible, we've combined it with the HM 72 mast, one of the most rigid masts on the market. The difference in rigidity between an aluminum mast and a conventional carbon mast is incomparable. The results are simple, everything becomes precise without any blur, even with an FW with a 249cm wingspan.  When carving or pumping, it will multiply the distances covered, simply because you will be much more efficient.

Buying guide

For whom ?

For intermediate to expert riders looking for the pack that will allow them to fly while others stay on the beach.

For what ?

  • To fly in previously impossible conditions.
  • To explode your session counter.
  • To hear the water flowing past you.
  • To replace traditional jogging.

What size ?

The board

The Cruzader is the ultimate SUP board but by playing on the volumes, we can adapt it to our needs.

In SUP foiling, remember that short lengths are for the Pros. Below 7′ it’s tricky. Afterwards you absolutely must have a largely positive volume balance. Your weight plus the weight of the board should be less than the volume of the board. Do not hesitate to go for extra volume and width if you are not sure you can handle it.

An experienced and athletic SUPer should have enough volume to float with some margin, around his weight + 30 or +40 = volume.
  • Example: I weigh 80kg + 40 = 120L to float. Which means that with a 120L I will float, provided I have a good level in SUP foiling. If I want comfort, I will have to add width and length.
A Pro SUPer should have enough volume to float, around his weight + 10 or +20 = volume.
  • Example: I weigh 80kg + 10 = 90L to float. Which means that with a 90L I will float, provided I have a good level in SUP foiling. If I want comfort, I should add 20L instead of 10 and go for a 100L board.

The foil

These foils are specially designed to take off before all the others and glide longer. Perfect for pumping, fast without requiring a lot of energy, the possibilities are endless on this foil. It covers ranges of use which no other foil set-up did until now. This is the foil that puts your practice of short distance racing with your friends on hold. Ok, no one is stopping you from continuing, we love it too. But three friends, each with their Cruz and their Sirus, will be able to challenge each other like never before in a standing start race. In detail for each “sport”:
  • In surf foiling, you must have a very good level to tame this technical foil. It is surprisingly simple to take off with but it requires a good technical background to maneuver in curves because of its giant wingspan. It likes soft waves to cruise like on a retro longboard. So avoid hollow sections. Typically, you can have fun in front of the peak and connect waves on end and draw lines without disturbing anyone.
  • In SUP foiling: GAME CHANGER alert. You can take off on the flat with only a few paddle strokes. Imagine the possibilities: it’s mind-boggling 😉 Not to mention that the combination of fine tips that dive into the curve without locking the foil flat and the paddle that allows you to offset your center of balance, make for a “maneuverable” front wing despite its very large wingspan. In the sizes 116 and 136, it is very maneuverable for these wingspans.
  • In downwinds, you break the game of soft conditions. The lift is unstoppable and it flies forever.
  • In wing foiling, the small sizes are fantastic for taking off in no wind. And paired with a Cruzader, you’ll pulverize your low range. It’s just amazing how early it flies. And the speed remains top-ranked.

What size?

THE SIRUS FRONT WING: The Sirus wings in sizes L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 5XL are aimed at all body sizes because as the saying goes “he who can do more can do less”. A big rider will find himself light, and a light rider will set new personal records.

The L has a wingspan of 116 cm, 1450 cm², 2.2 cm thick for a volume of 1.74L.
  • For dock starts, it is a relatively technical wing, very buoyant and easy to handle, which allows you to send beautiful curves.
  • In surf foiling, it allows riders of average size to go on small waves and connect the waves without running out of steam. It will also be suitable for small builds into endless flights and pumping.
  • In wing foiling, it takes off super early and works really well in light wind conditions.
The XL has a wingspan of 136 cm, 1700 cm², 2.3 cm thick for a volume of 2.13L.
  • For dock starts, it is a very stable wing which allows you to perform beautiful turns thanks to its very thin tips which do not lock the front wing.
  • In surf foiling, it is aimed at bigger surfers who want a wing that takes off more easily than a “classic” shape and that maintains pumping with a minimum of effort.
  • In wing foiling you’re the first one to take off!!!
The XXL has a wingspan of 156 cm, 1950 cm², 2.3 cm thick for a volume of 2.44L.
  • For dock starts, it is a super stable wing that allows you to cover long distances without effort.
  • Surf foiling is off-topic with this size. It’s too big.
  • In SUP foiling, it allows small riders to take off on the flat or big riders to take off well before the wave breaks.
  • In wing foiling, it is very big, but the most effective to take off in super light conditions.
The 3XL has a wingspan of 186 cm, 2300 cm², 2.3 cm thick for a volume of 2.91L.
  • For dock starts, it is a giant wing which is suitable for big riders and which is dedicated to easy pumping. You can weigh over 100 kg and achieve great distances with it.
  • Surf foiling is off-topic with this size. It’s too big.
  • In SUP foiling, it will even allow the biggest foilers to take off on the flat with a Cruzader. Mind-boggling!
  • In wing foiling, it can fly in no air, you lose maneuverability but the low end is totally crazy! So it’s intended for bigger foilers with a good level to cope with the maneuvers.
The 5XL has a wingspan of 249cm, a surface area of 3100 cm2, it’s 2.5 cm thick for a volume of 4.11L.
  • For dockstarts, it’s reserved for big foilers with a decent skill set to manage the rail to rail.
  • In surf foiling, it’s to forget, it’s too big.
  • In SUP foiling, taking off just by paddling is ultra efficient, but what is really insolent is that you can keep flying just with paddle strokes: you don’t even need to pump!
Generally speaking, a bigger front wing will be used in the low range use or in soft conditions. And conversely a smaller wing in solid conditions. What you need to remember is that the choice of your wing depends on your size, which requires lift, and your average speed, which generates lift.

THE SIRUS STAB: The Sirus stabs are quite user-friendly despite their high aspect ratio. Choose the size that you typically prefer for your GONG gear.

The 40 cm, with an area of 160 cm2, a thickness of 0.62 cm, and a volume of 0.05L.
  • In surf foiling, this stab offers incredible glide, allowing for increased speed without compromising pumping comfort.
  • In SUP foiling, it provides high speed and remains highly efficient during pumping maneuvers, considering its surface area. It is ideal for fast downwind rides on steep swells.
  • In wing foiling, the stab accelerates while maintaining an impressive low-end range. It’s perfect for gusty conditions, allowing you to maintain flight even in lighter winds.
The 45 cm, with an area of 210 cm2, a thickness of 0.70 cm, and a volume of 0.08L.
  • In surf foiling, it offers an excellent compromise between pumping and maneuverability.
  • In SUP foiling, it provides a great balance of comfort during pumping, speed, and maneuverability. It is ideal when the waves have some push.
  • In wing foiling, it is a versatile stab that offers comfort and stability in turns while allowing for high maximum speed.
The 50 cm, with an area of 250 cm2, a thickness of 0.70 cm, and a volume of 0.09L.
  • In surf foiling, it is the best stab for connecting small waves endlessly, especially when paired with a Sirus L or XL front wing.
  • In SUP foiling, it is highly efficient during pumping and can be combined with a pumping-specific front wing with a wingspan of less than 1.50m.
  • In wing foiling, it is perfect for light wind conditions when paired with a large front wing.
The 56 cm, with an area of 320 cm2, a thickness of 0.78 cm, and a volume of 0.12L.
  • In surf foiling, it is best suited for larger riders with large front wings.
  • In SUP foiling, it is the optimal choice for successfully taking off on flatwater with a Cruzader and a pumping-specific front wing.
  • In wing foiling, it is perfect for light wind conditions when paired with a large front wing.
The 63 cm, with an area of 360 cm2, a thickness of 0.78 cm, and a volume of 0.14L.
  • In surf foiling, it is considered too large and is reserved for the most extreme front wings.
  • In SUP foiling, it provides the most lift, allowing for early takeoff with paddle power.
  • In wing foiling, it is perfect as a complement to a giant front wing, enabling takeoff in micro gusts of wind.

As an optional extra, we suggest:

For your safety:
  • HELMET and IMPACT VEST: to be protected in case of fall and help you progress safely. 🔗(ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet)

The essentials:
To be more efficient:
For protection and maintenance of your gear: (highly recommended option to guarantee its durability)
  • LUXE BAG CRUZADER, to protect your board
  • TIKAL TEF-GEL: Marine grease to protect the screws of your foil against galvanic corrosion, and thus avoid jamming the screws.



  • 2 EXTRA LONG GONG US-Boxes with double entries for standard foil plates equipped with 4 screw + nuts (9cm center distance). Compatible with our SCS system. This new system allows ultra-fast assembly of GONG foils. (INSERTS NOT SUPPLIED WITH THE BOARD).
  • 5 x 5-hole footstrap inserts to optimize your position.
  • For the classic CRUZADER: 1 x large light front footstrap and 1 x large light rear footstrap (screws included).
  • For the CRUZADER XL: 2 large light footstrap (screws included).
  • 5 mm hard brush pad: deck covering designed for great comfort and absolute grip.
  • GONG carrying handle integrated in the center of the board on the hull.
  • Leash plug to never lose your board.
  • Automatic vent screw fitted inside the handle (LINK TO THE HOW TO)
  • The full screw kit to mount the foil.
  • One DEEP FOIL BAG, and one FRONT WING COVER for XL, XXL and 3XL sizes. (details below)
      • If you have chosen a SIRUS L, your foil will be delivered with the DEEP FOIL BAG XL, in which all the elements can fit.
      • If you have chosen a SIRUS XL, XXL, or 3XL, your foil will be delivered with the corresponding FRONT WING COVER, as well as the DEEP FOIL BAG L for the remaining foil components.
      • If you have chosen a SIRUS 5XL, your foil will be delivered with the DEEP FOIL BAG L, in which all the elements can fit, except for the Front Wing


Delivery delay

We indicate a preparation and shipping time of 3 working days. In reality, the majority of orders are shipped within 24/48 hours.

The delivery time, i.e. delivery time of the package to your home, then depends on the delivery location and the carrier.

We work with reliable and efficient carriers. 99% of shipments go perfectly and quickly. In the case of the remaining 1%, rest assured that we will do what is necessary with the carrier.

Shipping fees

Unlike other sites, shipping costs are not hidden behind the price of our products. You know exactly what shipping costs you, and you are not disadvantaged if you choose to collect your order at our GONG Space Center.

Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight and volume of each package, and your delivery address.

Tracking your package

Delivery tracking is managed directly by the carriers to whom we have entrusted your packages. They will contact you by email or SMS to allow you to choose delivery methods and follow the route of your package.


We work with the best transport societies to deliver to you throughout Europe and the world within very short deadlines. We chose them for their quality of service and their compliance with deadlines.

For mainland France, 80% of your orders arrive at their destination in less than 48 hours of processing.

For Europe, delivery times vary from 3 to 6 working days, depending on the country of destination.

For the rest of the world, delivery times depend on transit time and customs clearance time. This delay depends on customs and can last from a few days to a few weeks depending on the destination and seasonality.

Please note, transport time is added to preparation/shipping time. Two companies collaborate on your order (GONG and the carrier). Each one masters its activity and is committed to optimizing its deadlines so that you are delivered as quickly as possible and at a reasonable price.

Eco-responsible packaging

Preserving the environment is an absolute priority. This is why we do everything possible to reduce our ecological footprint.

The most important thing is to sell quality, durable products that will be repairable and will please you for a long time.

For our shipments, we use:

  • Scotch craft paper.

  • Final packaging in high-end cardboard.

  • For rigid boards: Flexi-Hex, very high resistance ecological packaging.

This means:

  • Reusable and recyclable packaging.

  • An almost total reduction in single-use plastic.

  • Maximum protection and impact resistance for rigid boards thanks to the innovative Flexi-Hex honeycomb design (35mm thick).

Receipt of your product

Upon delivery, check the condition of your package in the presence of the carrier. A complete explanation email on the procedure to follow will be sent to you when your order is shipped.

Despite our requirements and all the care we take in the packaging and protection of your product, transport hazards may occur, and your product may suffer more or less significant transport damage.

Note that the products are protected in their carton. If you have any doubts, simply refuse delivery and contact us.

More infos


The practice of the sport Foil may expose you to serious injury. A poor mastering of Foil may lead to cut, serious injury and/or including death for you and/or others.

Foil should be practiced by taking into consideration all kite user precautions that are associated with the sport Foil. Remember that a Foil is long, cutting, and reaches high speeds. Getting hit by a Foil, or hitting someone/thing can have dramatic consequences.

Always Foil far from others, in a secure and safe waterscape without obstacles.

Foil is most often practiced in light winds which may cease to blow leading you to return to shore by swimming. As a consequence do not overestimate your your strength/capacity : never go further out than your skill and swimming capacities and wind conditions allow.

Always wear a helmet and life vest for floatation. Always wear a full body wetsuit.

When handling the Foil, be careful not to cut yourself along the edges.

GONG is NOT responsable in case of any and all accidents implicating a Foil GONG. The practice of Foil is undertaken under the complete responsability of the Foil User/Practioner.