DP Aramid Technology

The PULSE DP UPE ARAMID benefits from the most efficient technology to excel in racing:

The double profile, a world first in the wing foiling world, reduces drag to increase average and maximum speed in an incredible way. Air flows are optimized on the lower surface: performance is boosted.

The Low Drag System technology on each tip consists of a rigid, removable slat, tensioned by a profiled clip to allow smooth air flow.

UPE Aramid is a true jewel of textile technology developed by experts in nautical textiles. The UPE base combined with woven Aramid fibers make it a fabric that is both very light, very rigid and very resistant to tearing.


UPE Aramid

The UPE Aramid is the lightest and stiffest material on the market. The sensations in hand are simply astonishing. The wing is both one of the stiffest and one of the lightest on the market, providing an entirely new sailing experience, all at an amazing price. It’s simply incredible and perfectly in line with our commitment to offering the best to as many people as possible.

At 85g/m2 (2 times less than Dacron!), this UPE Aramid present on the leading edge and the central batten ensures, in addition to a considerable weight savings (400g on a 5m2), an unparalleled gain in stiffness and reactivity. It’s simple: the wing no longer bends! We control its twisting through the Aramid axis and the design of the shape. Thus, deformations are no longer present.

In addition to its exceptional mechanical properties, this material also has a very low absorption rate. The wing gains very little weight when wet.

Obviously, a superb material without perfect assembly is worthless, and we have worked in infinite detail to ensure the reliability of the technical solutions for its implementation. For this, we have tested all known assemblies on traction machines and innovated with new and exclusive assembly methods at GONG to surpass the standards. Our wings have never been so robust.

Better than gold !!!


The boom with prepreg carbon applied in 4 directions enjoys the most high-end construction on the market to allow optimal rigidity with very low weight. Its oval shape offers an ideal grip which prevents fatigue, reduces the overall diameter of the boom, and increases rigidity. It is also covered with embossed EVA for perfect grip and comfort.

The fixing parts of the boom are designed to cancel out any play and to be completely removable, therefore scalable but above all extremely durable. We made the choice not to use sewn soft plastic whose lifespan is quite poor in the marine environment, under heavy loads and because of UV exposure. We have therefore chosen to make our fixing parts in a rigid plastic heavily loaded with fiberglass to offer them a longer life than those of soft handles.

The boom is screwed onto webbing reinforcements that go around the central batten to distribute the forces over its entire circumference. This system has already proven itself for many years on our wings with soft handles. The assembly sandwiches the strap for maximum strength and does not allow any twisting.

And the ultimate trick: the screwing nut is a standard nut for US foil box. A smart choice to never find yourself helpless 😉
The boom has an ideal opening angle for your wrist and for a pistol grip which allows you to have a new way of gripping the wing which can be extremely useful in maneuvers, in freeflying or simply on land.

In order to protect the wing from rigid parts, we use Kevlar reinforcements, very expensive materials but which offer incomparable abrasion resistance.

Our spinnaker is made of triple Ripstop throughout the canopy. Firstly because the feeling is much more rigid, firmer. Then because it is the best against tearing without affecting the lightness. Three large diameter fibers reinforce the fabric at regular intervals and in two 90° axes. This mesh strengthens the fabric against heavy shocks and tears.

Our freefly handle has been redesigned to provide more control during your extended surfs or during the most committed surf maneuvers. It’s the small details that make all the difference.
