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  • Wing

“Hello, The easiest thin to do is to : Put the Wing to leeward edge of the Board to let the rail rest on the leading edge and stabilize it. The other solution is to put the Boards ass facing the wind and to put the Wing on the nose. You hold the Wing by the central handle, or, with the rail saver of the leash (simpler). Then you get on the Board to your knees. Be careful to place the underside of the toes on the pad and not the top, otherwise you will burn them. Once on your knees, you take the first handle with your front hand, then another two or three handles back. Take the Wing out of the water and use it to orient the Board in the cross wind by gently putting her into action and well behind you. Once you are in the crosswind, place your hands on the full power handles and stand up. You can now place your feet in flying position, as close to perfect as you can at the beginning!!!! Then you tuck in to take a few knots of speed, you need a good 10m run, you pump on the Foil holding the back hand lower than the front hand. As soon as you fly, you should think about putting the Board back flat because your Foil can’t fly bucked. Bucking is a transitional situation in non-flying and flying. To do this, either you accelerate the Wing with a small forward and backward movement an efficient pumping style (shaking the wing is useless ;-)) or you pump on the Foil until you give it the ideal angle. This incidence is obtained by looking for the minimum flight speed (underneath you pitch up because the front wing does all the lifting). In this flattening out  phase in the air, imagine that you have to engage your stab and not your wing (it is done) so that the water can naturally put it back in a horizontal position. There you go. Thank you.” Wingfoiler : l’Ours and his GONG Wingfoil board Zuma Iguana Made In La France & GONG SUPfoil Allvator, and GONG Wing 7m.


1 comment

Sent by par nickwilde

Super !
Mais dans quelle offre (pack?) voit-on ce board et son aile sur le shop ?
Et quelle taille de board conseillez-vous à un néophyte (77kg) qui kite depuis des années mais n’est jamais monté sur un board muni d’un foil ?

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