HOW TO : going out !!!

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HOW TO : going out !!!

Contrary to what one may think, this is not the most difficult in SUP. The only real rule is that you should not get caught parallel with the incoming waves. For the rest in is just necessary to grab the bull by the horns and face it head on. The Board will naturally get over the waves. As a general rule you need to expose the hull to the oncoming wave. An if you get caught parallel when a wave is coming it is necessary to adjust your weight and lift the rail facing the incoming wave to help it get over the lip. Of course it is very important that you don’t let the wave break heavily on the deck of your Board so it doesn’t break. You need to row hard straight towards the peak and stick your nose in the lip to break through the wave. If not you risk having the Board kicked up into your face or torso. And that could end up ugly!!! Keep in mind always to stick that nose and in case of emergency and you need to jump, do it in the direction of your handle so it avoids problems and makes diving easy. Do not forget to bend your legs as the wave passes so you don’t lose your balance. The key is to get that last Paddle swipe in at the moment the wave is breaking under you which gives you balance and a last push through the churning swirl. It is also advisable to go around the break and/or just wait for the set to end when it’s big. The easiest is just to choose a spot, on heavy days, where you have an easy passage out. Advisor : Patrice Guénolé and GONG SUP.

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