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Having become addicted to SUP foil a little over a year ago, Sean shares with us his impressions of the Flint 5’8 with which he is riding today after making his debut on the Zuma 6’3.


“I live on an Island called Achill off the West coast of Ireland and have been SUP Foiling for around a year now.

 I have been surfing the Flint 5 8 for the last few months after learning on the Zuma 6 3 and Rise Foil. I weight around 85 kgs and found the 5 8 to be perfect for my weight. I usually surf beach breaks but I also surf point breaks and reefs.

I have been out on the Flint now all winter and spring in all sorts of waves from slow onshore waves to fast shallow offshore. And from waist high to well overhead waves.

First experience

My first experience with the board was, wow this board is different than the Zuma. It is very reactive front to back, I presume due to the size. This took a little while to get used to especially when waiting for sets, but this reactiveness helps with confidence when paddling out into oncoming waves where it is very easy to control the nose pitch over waves.

To paddle it is easy once you can paddle a shorter board it feels a little slower than the Zuma in a straight line but again probably due to size.


“Light and reactive”

Paddling onto and catching waves is where the board really excels. It is light and reactive making it very easy to control the lift off the foil. I have found this important when paddling into faster larger waves

The board builds confidence and I have found myself with my weight very neutral now compared to the Zuma where I was more front foot heavy. The lightness and reactivity also help in weak slow waves where I have found it possible to ‘pump’ onto waves. The Flint takes off on the wave comfortably and can handle everything from steepish two stroke take offs to slower flatter waves.

The board really turns well, and it is easy to trim on the wave moving higher or lower on the wave face to easily stay in the power zone. It cuts back and turns comfortably while staying easy to control.

The board, like the website says is very simple to control when it touches down onto the wave face, and it is fast to bring back onto the foil even when the wave has a lot of push and power.  Because the board is so light and reactive, I have also started trying airs on it off the waves with mixed results. I am afraid at my age I may never find this boards limits.

“Strength and build quality of this board is excellent”

I like the paint finish although I have scratched mine as I put it directly into my van without a bag. The straps are excellent quality and the deck grip is very comfortable especially now as it is warm enough to not wear booties. The board again is very light and easy to lift.

To give an example of its strength I hit a sandbar on my beach. The waves were around shoulder high and quite fast. I knew as the tide dropped it would get shallower. On my last wave I was surfing full speed on the foil when I came to a complete stop. I was flung off the board. When I stood up I was shocked to see it was less than waist deep. I immediately checked the foil because the collision was so violent. There was nothing wrong with the board. I was so happy!

“To conclude, what this board is like is very simple”

There is a wave that breaks where I live that I thought I would put the foil away for and return to my surfboard as it is a shallow, rocky, fast and heavy wave. I decided to try the Flint on it one day it was shoulder hight. The board flew, it took off as early as the long boards that were out. I travelled faster and longer on that wave than I had before. I have not gone back to my surfboard as the Flint seems to be able to surf any wave with comfort and again, I may never know this boards limits.

In my opinion the board is exactly as the website describes, it is an advanced SUP Foil board that will help you push where you want to be on a wave. This board also is a kickass wing board but that story is for another day lol.“

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