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The practice of the Foil, all sports combined, has become widely democratized. In spite of a hesitation on the part of some people who find the Foil dangerous, it must nevertheless be noted that even today, there is still no increase in accidents on the spots. L’Ours shares his point of view with us on this subject:


There has been no increase in accidents since the arrival of the Foil, or on any of its supports. And fortunately, to date, no deaths It is obvious that the object Foil is no more dangerous than the nose of a Shortboard or a Windsurfing Fin. But any contact at high speed will inevitably lead to an accident, or even a tragedy! So it is the rider’s caution that is at stake, whatever the support.

If we remember well the beginnings of Kiting, I have in memory more than 70 deaths in the first few years. A real drama, which led to restrictions of use. In Foil, nothing like that. The only injuries are cuts or shocks on the rider himself, never on a third party to my knowledge. Whatever you tell me, but it’s worth noting.

The reasons for the low number of accidents: – I think that what greatly reduces Foil accidents is the fact that it naturally distances itself from others. It is practiced in more marginal conditions, more on the shoulder, on other spots etc… – The other point is that being high on the water, you can see very well what is in front of you. – And as we go fast, we look far away, so we anticipate. – The sharp edges are on the back of the Foils, so never in contact with a third party that you would hit. You have to put it in your own face to get hurt, typically by refusing a take off and throwing the Board in front of you… Or pulling the leash… Or by being rolled with the Foil in a wave… Or by kicking with your feet to the water start… – Finally, today’s Foils are adapted to low speeds because people don’t want to go very fast. So they are rounder and softer, especially at GONG with our rounded off tips.

Obviously with the number will come more serious accidents than simple cuts. This is inevitable because either bad luck will strike or people will make mistakes. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it won’t happen…

Thank you.”

Foiler: l’Ours and GONG-GALAXY.


Sent by par Tommy

A little article talking about foil safety !

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