Surf foil on flat water

  • Movies
  • Surf
Surf foil on flat water

Dock start, rock start, pomping sur le flat, Béryl est toujours aussi impressionnant et énergique sur sa Catch 3CS et son Surf Foil Allvator. Foiler : Beryl and his pack GONG 4’6 Catch 3CS and Surfoil Allvator XL. Source : GONG Foil, enjoy your flat session.

Votre commentaire

Envoyé par Chris Vermeulen

Nice looking sup foil and foil wings guys!
The video of your flat water foil pumping around the SUP’ers was well done and I hope to have something you can use with your foils and board for foil pumping. I’ll share some photos soon

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