Equipe bandeau surf


Patrice Guénolé

Owner - Shaper

Diane Gateclou-Marest

Chief Operating Officer


Sales Manager


Design Lead

Jaime Rodriguez

Visual Merchandiser

Béryl Besseau



CRM Project Manager


Logistic Manager




Technical Advisor


3D Designer


After Sales Service Supervisor


Webmaster Assistant


Reverse Logistic Assistant


Technical Advisor


Administrative Assistant


Chief Transformation Officer


Sales Operations Assistant


Graphic Designer


Video Maker


Technical advisor


Composite Workshop Technician


Technical Projects


Head of stock




Outbound flow manager


Product Manager


Technical Advisor


Technical Advisor


Floor Manager

Aymeric Barbieux

Technical Advisor




Web Project Manager




Import Manager


Webmaster Assistant






Webmaster Assistant


Technical advisor


Chief Marketing Officer


Quality Controller


Customer Support


Customer Support


financial and administrative assistant


Technical advisor

Jean Philippe

Customer Support


Technical Advisor










Product assistant


Product assistant


Webmaster Assistant


Shop Manager


Customer Support


Kitchen chef


Room Manager


Community Manager


Product Manager Access

Marc Antoine

Head Customer Support


Production Leader Composite Boards


Head of Administration and Finance


Graphic Designer


Video Maker




Graphic Designer



Malo Guénolé


Moritz Mauch

Evelin NEVES


Clement HAMON Team Pro GONG
Clement HAMON

Chris Cunningham

Noemi Zonta



Technical Advisor

Max Robinson

Bastien Escofet

Lou Thouin


Customer support


Jean-Paul Averty

Benjamin English

Didier D'Hervez


Romain Jean

Xavier Leroy
Xavier Leroy

Aurélien QUIRI

Patrick Kruithof

Colas Nahaboo

Edouard Tournier

Bruno Loustalan

Boris Thouin

Mikael Pointeau


Jean-Luc Vaslin

Pierre Girardeau

Lilou Douzal


Computer engineer


Nathan RIGAL


Ingrid Ulrich

Warrick Smith


Sophie Degas

Julian ROCCO

Julian Novak


Corentin Lemaitre

Iago Piñeiro

Nicolas Leforestier

Christian Jacobi


Antoine Civel

Felix Dary


Head of Logistics

Maxime Georget

Wandrille Delmas

Guillaume Crepin

Sébastien Bouin

Frédéric Huet

Benjamin Ruffin

Sébastien Caruso

François Cholet

Olivier Letartre

Mathieu Wozniak

Magnus Wengelin

Gregory Treger

Yann Picard

Guillaume Sorton

Matthieu Philippe

Pierre Strzerzynski

Gaetan Delerue

Luca Petrosino

Flavien Hilaire

Jean Perrot

Jules Sauvourel

Michael Parnaut

Laurent Sézac

Jean-Denis Mouchon

Christophe Seillier

Ralf Schultz

Pierre Sauret

Vincent Lucas

François Salmon

Julien Reymondet

Eric Rose

Kristofer Loriol

Antoine Leroux

Valery Le Bonnec

Stefan Krenn

Hervé Laborieux

Pierre Laguette

Christian Hallgren

Philippe Jarreau

Arthur Habudzik

Bertrand Gune

Cédric Fontenelle

Julien Flechet

Jean-Philippe Flechet

Christophe Dufour

Alain Enault

Michel Dijoux

Jérôme Deletre

Eric Devaux


Arnaud Bertin Leccia

Olivier Comazzi

Thomas Chaise

Jérôme Cluzeau

Pierre-Marie Campart

Raynald Breloin

François Boutier

Damien Brard

François-Xavier Bonnefous

Max Bottura

Stéphane Bodet

David Blomme

Mariano Billet

Geoffrey Barbati

Marcel Van Bruggen

Maxime Tancons

Cyril Torond

Sébastien Taleux

Mathias Save de Beaurecueil

Thierry Nicaud

Nicolas Meline

Romain Gerber

Pierre-Emmanuel Feuillet

Matthieu Galic

Eric Desvergnes

Mathieu Delaporte

Laurent Dasse

Florent D'Ales

Florent Cameron

Marc Brodiez

Vincent Bonne

Michael Nentwig


Alessandro Pierantoni

Tytouan Le Buhé

Kevin Kolahi

Antonin DENIS


Patrice Guénolé Alias L'Ours

Last Name: GUENOLE
First Name: Patrice – l’Ours
Height (m): 1,86m.
Weight (kg): 96 kg.
Profession: owner / shaper at GONG.
Preferred discipline: all around surfing something.
Best Tricks: 360° tordus.
Other practices : all watersports !
Competitions: windsurf, longboard & SUP.
Nb of days on the water per year: minimum 300 ++.
Home Spot: le Blue Wave, pointe du Bec, le large.
Travel Spots: wherever it works.
Favourite meal: everything but nothing complicated.
Favourite music: depends of the mood.

in details

La vie de l’Ours

L’histoire de GONG est indissociable de celle de l’Ours tant les éléments de sa vie imprègnent la marque.

Attention : contenu hautement soporifique 😉 Courageux only 😉

Boss de GONG depuis 2008, Patrice Guénolé est à l’origine du développement de la marque.

Bébé shapeur dès 12 ans pour faire ses skims avec les moyens du bord, l’Ours est un bricoleur. Avec ses moyens limités, il récupère des pains dans de vieilles boards pour shaper des planches de surf dans un coin du garage…

A 13 ans, il est “embauché” le soir après l’école chez Holywind surf shop pour déballer les boards, monter les straps, faire les poubelles. 8 francs de l’heure mais quel plaisir de manipuler tout ce matériel hors de prix.

A 17 ans, vendeur chez Holywind en parallèle de l’école, il attaque la compétition en windsurf et en surf, seul en Europe à jouer sur les deux tableaux à haut niveau, et attire quelques sponsors bienvenus.

Sa première compétition est le Fundoor de Paris Bercy en windsurf. Grâce à Alain Pichavant, Patrice se prend un gros rush, lui qui n’avait jamais pris un départ !!! Ensuite il enchaîne les courses en wind. Sa spécialité en funboard était le lightwind avec des gréements toujours plus grands et des boards toujours plus performantes, naviguer quand personne ne plane.

Il avait aussi un très bon niveau dans les vagues. Il fut parmi les premiers en France à poser des fronts droits et envoyer des doubles.

En surf, il vient d’une région méconnue du sud Bretagne. Pendant 5 ans, il va gagner toutes les compétitions de longboard auxquelles il participe sous le niveau France, du Nord à la Charente. Il fait quelques coupes du monde remarquées au Lacanau Pro et au Biarritz Surf Festival notamment. Sa spécialité c’est le move de demain : 360° par l’avant, tail slash etc… ce qui explique qu’il se classe souvent dans les cinq premiers durant les expressions sessions.

Plusieurs années passées avec les meilleurs surfeurs du monde à enchaîner les heats. Il développe systématiquement des planches futuristes et une approche en marge des standards. Il est parmi les premiers à surfer des planches en sandwich PVC sans latte, des shapes aux largeurs extrêmes, des dérives très précises.

Mais la compétition n’est pas son truc. Mauvais perdant, peu enclin à suivre des règles, évitant les autres, il héritera de cette époque son surnom de l’Ours. Zéro alcool, jamais de fiesta, il est toujours concentré sur le matériel, sans cesse à sonder le moindre détail, et donc en marge de la kermesse des compétitions.

A 19 ans Ace lui propose un poste de testeur en windsurf et de développement des planches de surf. Fred Meunier (ancien shapeur Holywind) et Pascal Trimoreau, lui offriront cette opportunité de mettre au point des centaines de planches et de participer aux programmes de développement pour la course et la série.
Très appliqué, Patrice teste tout et propose. Ils sortiront la première grosse planche de vague de série avec la Ace 272. Avec Stéphane Mocher, patron de Select, ils seront les premiers à bosser sur le concept des planches larges en windsurf, bien avant tout le monde, avec la Ace 312. Stéphane et Fred vont l’envoyer à Hawaii mettre au point les gammes, tester les ailerons etc…
C’est avec Fred Meunier chez Ace qu’ils feront les premiers shapes GONG pour Magic Surf. Fred était une véritable légende du shape, un mec hyper pointu et exigeant qui lui apprendra la rigueur du shape, la précision d’une belle ligne et lui donnera ce coup d’oeil précieux. L’atelier Ace est au coeur du haut niveau et innove sur les shapes. Mais c’est aussi une immense référence technologique avec un savoir faire super pointu dans le composite. Ils innoveront avec le placage bois de renfort sur le pont sur pains EPS par exemple mais ce sont surtout des gens très pointilleux sur la qualité de chaque étape de réalisation, ce que l’Ours gardera toujours.

Hawaii c’est l’occasion de prendre gout pour les grosses vagues. Surfeur de shorebreak solitaire, il lui aura fallut apprendre à se battre pour prendre des vagues mais il est de toutes les sessions, y compris les plus grosses. Ses atouts sont clairement la condition physique liée à une préparation exemplaire et le feeling donné par la glisse dans les petites vagues. Rentré en France, il s’offrira quelques sessions épiques à Guéthary et sur les outsides de sa région.


A 17 ans, Patrice rame avec Guillaume Vielliard au “large” sur son longboard vers une vague jamais surfée. A 4 km du bord, déroule une vague au shape Indonésien et parfois massive pour la région. Patrice en fera son home spot, ramant même de nuit ou dans la brume épaisse pour y accéder les jours de gros. Il manquera d’y laisser sa peau aussi car le reef est traitre.

Mais le trip de découvrir la vague ultime de sa région est à ce prix. Parfois ramené par les pécheurs éberlués ; parfois au bord de la rupture face au vent et au courant de l’estuaire après 6h de surf, il apprend là bas ce que le surf veut dire : la quête. Ramer 8h d’affilé seul au large en autonomie, et se jeter dans un bowl sur 20cm d’eau qui vous propulse dans une vague creuse et longue. Ce n’est pas Hawaii, mais c’est exceptionnel quand même.

A 23 ans, il arrive à un tournant. Continuer dans cette voie ou aller chercher autre chose. Passer sa vie dans les ateliers à bosser sur des technologies, de nouveaux shapes, des nouvelles idées c’est top mais on ne gagne presque rien car le métier est difficile en raison du déclin de la planche à voile. Patrice finit par tout plaquer pour (enfin) passer son Bac en candidat libre. Videur en boite de nuit pour rider la journée, son gabarit et son haut niveau en boxe l’aideront à passer les bagarres sans trop de dégâts. Il gardera de cette période une vision plus noire de l’humain et une capacité à aller jusqu’au bout des crispations sans reculer, bien utile plus tard en Chine par exemple.

Il obtient le Bac avec 10.02 points sans réellement dormir pendant une semaine ! En boite de 22h à 6h, et début des épreuves à 8h. Pas très glorieux mais c’est un déclic. Il embraye sur la fac de sport pour aller au plus simple. Boulimique de travail, il assiste à la première année de médecine, au DEUG de socio et celui de psycho pour aller chercher les cours qui l’intéressent. Systématiquement major de promo, il obtiendra des notes records. Puis c’est une licence de management du sport et une formation de gestion bac + 4 au CNAM en parallèle le soir. Le but pour lui est de rattraper le temps en allant chercher dans chaque discipline les outils dont il aura besoin dans sa vie professionnelle. Quand on bosse la nuit, on sait ce qu’on vient chercher à l’école le jour ! Et ce ne sont pas des diplômes mais bien des compétences pour se donner une chance.

Holywind lui demande alors un coup de main pour booster le shop suite à la marée noire de l’Erika. Avec Alain Clémenti ils remontent les performances du shop. Quelques mois plus tard, Patrice rencontre chez Holywind sa future femme qui vit en Corse et là tout se précipite : Xavier Rolland, ancien vendeur d’Holywind et commercial Bic Sport l’informe d’un job à Marseille chez H2O, société qui gère les 80 magasins des réseaux Magic Surf et Subchandlers en Europe. Patrice est embauché comme assistant, passe un MBA, et en trois ans il prend la Direction du Groupe aux cotés de Thierry Dumon, PDG du Groupe H2O.

Ils y redéveloppent GONG en 2003, propriété de Magic Surf, comme une des quinze marques propres du groupe. C’est l’époque flamboyante, celle de l’audace et des excès. Multiples voyages aux USA, à Hawaii, dans les usines, tout était possible tellement les moyens à disposition étaient conséquents. La semaine au siège à Marseille, les week end en Corse, c’est une période électrisante qui ouvre les portes de projets d’une autre dimension que ce que Patrice avait connu. Fils d’ouvriers et petit fils de paysans, entrer dans ce monde d’opulence fut un choc.

Tout était possible. Investir, inventer, renverser, la consigne était de prendre le contrôle du marché. Vaste sujet, un brin mégalo, mais qui aura eu le mérite de dépoussiérer les grands équilibres du marché pour y construire deux beaux réseaux de magasins. Patrice était en shop depuis le débuts de son adolescence. Il leur aura donné tout ce qu’il pouvait apporter pour faire de ces deux réseaux de magasins des poids lourds sur le marché mondial de la glisse.

Mais la crise de 2008 mettra un terme à tout cela. Les finances sont mauvaises malgré les multiples plans de redressement. Les comportements de certains dans les équipes sont démasqués ; c’est la désillusion et la fin d’un rêve. Les actionnaires se lassent et décident de stopper l’histoire. 90 licenciements à gérer dont le sien et celui de ses plus proches collaborateurs : une période vraiment pas fun qui scella la fin d’une relation de vingt ans avec les magasins.

En partant, il rachete GONG avant de quitter Marseille pour la Corse. S’isoler, l’ile, pour tout recommencer. Le démantèlement du Groupe H2O aura mis au jour les pires requins : vol de nos moules, pillage de l’image, usurpation d’identités pour récupérer des productions… Le pire ne sera pas épargné à GONG. Il faut dire que la marque avait su polariser en créant des envieux et des haineux. Ce faux pas fera les choux gras des forums et discussions de plages, colportant les pires mensonges pendant des années.

Mais depuis la Corse, l’Ours Orsu remonte pierre par pierre son édifice. D’abord en ouvrant son atelier dans la colline Bastiaise, face à Elbe dans le bleu. Seul, mais accompagné de ses amis autour de Jean Valère Bordenave, il remet en route une petite production de prototypes de SUP très pointus. Ce sont les premiers ShortSUP sous les 6′, puis sous les 5′. Les idées foisonnent dans cet isolement salvateur pour la reconstruction de GONG. L’image ayant souffert, ça sera le moment idéal pour montrer les véritables bases de GONG : la passion du shape et du surf.

Une petite production en série fait son retour en 2010. C’est en 2011 que les ventes accélère énormément : on déménage le stock de la série à La Baule avec l’embauche de David. Puis ça sera le tour de Fred et des autres. Il aura fallut quatre ans pour absorber la chute de 2008.

2016 c’est le retour définitif à La Baule pour l’Ours. Finie la Corse et sa liberté quasi totale, mais GONG est devenu tellement gros qu’il faut que le boss soit sur place à temps plein. L’accélération continue pour arriver à la situation actuelle : une belle boite qui contente des milliers de clients dans le monde.

Toujours concentré sur les shapes et les produits, Patrice retrouve un business excitant à la dimension d’H2O, et dont le potentiel est encore dix fois supérieur. Créer des produits, des emplois, une équipe, des envies, des passions, des moments de joie intense, de la vie dans l’océan, un partage à grande échelle, voila ce qu’est le quotidien de l’Ours en 2019.

Diane Gateclou-Marest

First Name: Diane
Height (m): 1,73
Weight (kg): Or not
Profession: Chief Operating Officer
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: N/A
Other practices: SUP, Kite, SurfFoil, Wakesurf, Wingsurf
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year:  100
Home Spot: Pornichet, La Baule, Saint Brevin
Travel Spots: Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Bali, Lombok…
Favourite meal: Sushis!
Favourite music: Electro, rock, indie pop…

Frédéric Alias Fred's Up

First Name: Frédéric
Height (m): 1,80 m
Weight (kg): 75 Kg (at last count in 2009)
Profession: In apprenticeship at GONG Surfboards
Preferred discipline: After session drinks
Best Tricks: I’m working on it…
Other practices: Don’t have time
Competitions: Departmental champion of one-handed belote
Nb of days on the water per year:If you can’t count, you’re on the right track…
Home Spot : Le fucking blue boy
Travel Spots : Indo soon
Favourite meal: Spicy
Favourite music:  Hellfest
FB: Fred Gong

Yohann Alias Yoyo

First Name: Yohann
Height (m): 1,78 m
Weight (kg): 88 kg
Profession: Design Lead
Preferred discipline: Wing, SUP…
Best Tricks: Human Bomb
Other practices:Practice of Extreme Sports (I sometimes contradict my wife) / Thai Boxing
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: N/A
Home Spot: N/A
Travel Spots: N/A
Favourite meal: Osso Bucco Linguini
Favourite music: Anything but rap


First Name: Jaime
Height (m): 1,73m
Weight (kg): 77kg
Profession: Making funny Balloons for kids at Bday parties (Clown)
Preferred discipline: Kamasutra
Best Tricks: The big ones
Other practices: Snowboard/Cycling/Reading and making the best Tacos you’ve ever eaten.
Competitions: Not a fan
Nb of days on the water per year: I don’t count
Home Spot: Earf
Travel Spots: Spain, always my favorite.
Favourite meal: Tacos/Cazón de Adobo/Ice Cold Cañas
Favourite music: Bring me your finest wines and Heaviest of Metals


First Name: Béryl
Height (m): 1,72m
Weight (kg): 68kg
Profession: Glassor
Preferred discipline: skimboard / foil
Best tricks: Kerrupt
Other practices: Kite & surf
Competitions: Skimboard & foil
Nb of days on the water per year: minimum300
Home spot: La courance
Travel spots: Shorebreaks
Favourite meal: everything
Favourite music: N/A


First Name: Elise
Height (m): 157cm
Weight (kg): N/A
Profession: CRM Project Manager
Preferred discipline: Wing foil and Kite
Best Tricks: N/A
Other practices: Badminton, Surfing, Skiing, Volleyball
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: 50 at 100
Home Spot: Dunes, Bretignolles-sur-Mer
Travel Spots: Moorea, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Fuerteventura
Favourite meal: The complete galette
Favourite music: Norah Jones

Ysoline Alias Youyou

Last Name: BUREAU
First Name: Ysoline
Height: 1,66m
Weight: 54 kg
Profession: Logistic manager
Preferred discipline: Surf and Wakeboard
Best Tricks: 180° Air
Other practices: SUP and kite
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: when I can and my body allows me to.
Home Spot: Pornichet
Travel Spots: Sri Lanka and Philippine
Favourite meal: Canneloni ricotta spinach
Favourite music: Notorious BIG, Queen, Jean Luc Lahaye , Celine Dion and Johnny


First Name: Matthieu
Height (m): 1,70 m
Weight (kg): 63 kg
Profession: Photographer
Preferred discipline: surf
Best Tricks: 
Other practices: water skiing, skate, trial
Nb of days on the water per year: –
Home Spot: The 93
Travel Spots: Lanzarote, Côte d’ivoire, Spain, Morocco
Favourite meal:
Favourite music


First Name: Anthony
Height (m): 1m70
Weight (kg): 70kg
Profession: Technical advisor
Preferred discipline: I love everything
Best Tricks: tube, table top
Other practices: windsurf
Competitions: windsurf Bic 293 coach
Nb of days on the water per year: incalculable
Home Spot: Penvins
Travel Spots: Tahiti
Favourite meal: Raw fish with coconut milk
Favourite musicdepends on the time of day


First Name: Titouan
Height (m): 1,73m
Weight (kg): 60kg
Profession: 3D designer
Preferred discipline: Wing
Best Tricks:
Other practices: Windsurf
Competitions: none
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home Spot: Le Yelen / la baule beach
Travel Spots: île de Ré
Favourite meal: BBQ
Favourite music: Boris Brejcha

First Name: Olivier
Height (m): 1,70m
Weight (kg): 71 Kg
Profession: After Sales Service Supervisor
Preferred discipline: Surf / supsurf / pedal boat
Best Tricks: broken nose underwater
Other practices: idiocy tester
Competitions: when I was young …
Nb of days on the water per year: +100
Home Spot: Pornichet – St brevin Ocean – Les rochelets – My shower
Travel Spots: Gwada power!
Favourite meal: Asian / Italian
Favourite music: West Coast rap / rock / Chantal Goya
First Name: Valentin
Height (m): 1,85m
Weight (kg): 70kg
Profession:Webmaster Assistant
Preferred discipline: Skimboard
Best Tricks: Barrel + Shove it
Other practices: Surf
Competitions: Coming soon
Nb of days on the water per year: As often as possible when there are conditions
Home Spot: Bonne Source / La Courance / Plage Valentin
Travel Spots: N/A
Favorite meal: Pizza / Fish & Chips
Favourite music: Musics that grooves / Jimi Hendrix and the Red Hot Chili Peppers

First Name: Martin
Height (m): 1,80
Weight (kg): 78kg
Profession: Reverse Logistic Assistant
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: Wipeout
Other practices: Wing, SUP, Triathlon, Swimming, Trail and ping-pong
Competitions: Yes
Nb of days on the water per year: As much as possible
Home Spot: Les Rochelets
Travel Spots: Portugal, Landes, Pays-Basques
Favorite meal: Chicken Katsu of the slab
Favorite music: it depends on my mood


First Name: Gabriel
Height (m): 1m75
Weight (kg): Variable according to the seasons
Profession: Technical Advisor
Preferred discipline: Kitefoil
Best Tricks: 360
Other practices: WingFoil, Wakeboard, a little Surf and a lot of Snow
Competitions: Mojito Challenge Premium Tour World Class
Nb of days on the water per year: A lot and a half
Home Spot: Tarifa
Travel Spots: I miss Mexico
Favourite meal: Guinness
Favourite music: of Ar Re Yaouank to Anderson PaaK

First Name: Valérie
Height (m): 1m68
Weight (kg): I don’t know, I don’t have a scale!
Profession: Administrative Assistant
Preferred discipline: Sailing
Best Tricks: –
Other practices: Snowboard / wake / breakdance (beginner)
Competitions: in sailing since I’m 8 years old
Nb of days on the water per year:  don’t know, but not enough
Home Spot: Pornic
Travel Spots: France, Spain, Morocco, Tobago Cays
Favourite meal: Those cooked with products from the garden

Favourite music:Depends on the day

First Name: Alexandre
Height (m): 1m83
Weight (kg): 85kg
Profession: Chief Transformation Officer
Preferred discipline: Longboard LOG
Best Tricks: Drop-knee cut back, Noseride
Other practices: Sailing, SUP, Ski
Competitions: Nope
Nb of days on the water per year: 100+
Home Spot: Le Phare
Travel Spots: Playa Colorado, Noosa, Crescent Head
Favourite meal: Khao Soi
Favourite musicThylacine, Ben Howard, Jake Xerxes Fussel


Last Name: Daniel
First Name: Marine
Height (m): 1,73m
Weight (kg): N/A
Profession: Customer Support
Preferred discipline: Kite
Best Tricks: Wipeout
other practices: surf and soon wing
Competitions : nope
Nb of days on the water per year: le plus possible
Home Spot: La Baule
Travel Spots: Each time a different
Favorite meal: Thaï food & crêpes
Favorite music:  everything but especially anything

First Name: Benoît
Height (m): 1,92
Weight (kg): 72
Profession: Graphic Designer
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: N/A
Other practices: Bodyboard / SUP
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: Not enough!
Home Spot: Fréhel
Travel Spots: Sainte-Barbe
Favourite meal: Galettes
Favourite music: Rock, Indie, Hip Hop, Electro…
First Name: Valentin
Height (m): 1m78
Weight (kg): 70kg
Profession: technical advisor
Favourite Discipline: Surf, Surfoil and Wing
Best Tricks: Jump in Surfoil
Other practices: /
Competitions: /
Nb of days on the water per year: As many as possible
Home Spot: Pornichet
Travel Spots: Asturies
Favourite meals: Home made burger
Favourite Music: Fortunate Son – Creedence Clearwater Revival

First Name: Mathieu
Height (m): 1.72
Weight (kg): 56 kg
Profession: Stockman
Favourite Discipline: Skimboard
Best Tricks: Carve
Other practices: Surf – Foil – Longboard – Skimboard – Body – Tennis
Competitions: Winner of the French skimboard cup 2018 – Vice champions of France 2017
Nb of days on the water per year: 150
Home Spot: The Torch
Travel Spots: Barge – Nazare – all the French coast
Favourite meal: Le Dalle
Favourite music: Jul – JCVD

First Name: Jeanne
Height (m): 1m68
Weight (kg): 62kg
Profession: Composite Workshop Technician
Preferred discipline: SUP Race
Best Tricks: Surfing on downwind
Other practices: Va’a, Bodyboard, Prone Paddle
Competitions: none
Nb of days on the water per year: 80 to 90
Home Spot: Pornichet
Travel Spots: Lacanau
Favourite meal: Tomatoes Mozza
Favourite music: Dub Inc / Pierpoljak / Groundation …

First name: Fx
Height: 1m94
Weight: 90kg
Profession: Technical Projects
Favourite Discipline: WingFoil
Best Trick: n/a
Other practices: Surfing, SUP, OneWheel, Skateboarding
Competitions: n/a
No. of days on the water per year: Never enough
Home Spot: a little bit everywhere on the Brittany Coast
Travel Spots: n/a
Favourite meals: Duck confit and sarladaise potatoes/ Double Steakhouse
Favourite music: Movie soundtrack according to mood

First Name: Boris
Height (m): 187 cm
Weight (kg): 75 kg
Profession:  Head of Stock
Preferred discipline: Wing
Best Tricks : Inflate the wing
Other practices: Triathlon
Competitions: No
Nb of days on the water per year: 1 time for Easter
Home Spot: As close as possible to the Punch
Travel Spots: N/A
Favorite meal: Cookies of the Slab
Favorite music: Space 103.2, Old school

First Name: Gaëtan
Height (m): 1m81
Weight (kg): 77kg
Profession: Stockman
Preferred discipline: Bodyboard
Best Tricks: Dropknee in general
Other practices: Skimboard / Longboard / Wakeboard / Snowboard
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible !
Home Spot: Tharon, la pointe St Gildas, Margaret, plage Valentin
Travel Spots: Maroc, USA, Martinique, Philippines, Senegal
Favorite meal: Tajines
Favorite music: eclectic


First Name: Maxime
Height (m): 1m80
Weight (kg): 82kg
Profession: Outbound flow manager
Preferred Discipline: SUP
Best Tricks: Just fun
Other practices: Kitesurf, Kitefoil, Wingfoil, Longboard, Surf foil, Judo, Brazilian Jujitsu
Competitions: No
Nb of days on the water per year: 60 to 80
Home Spot: Bay of Pouliguen
Travel Spots: Le Vauclin, Martinique
Favorite meal: Barbecue (all year long)
Favorite music : Rock / Reggae of the 70’s !


First Name: Fabien
Height (m): 1,77
Weight (kg): 65kg
Profession: Product Manager
Preferred discipline: Wing, kite, Supsurf
Best Tricks: Beach reentry
Other practices: Surf, Windsurf, Supfoil, Kitefoil
Competitions: at a time…
Nb of days on the water per year: in progress
Home Spot: La Baule
Travel Spots: Pornichet
Favorite Meal: grilled fish
Favorite Music : too hard


First Name: Marion
Height (m): 1m70
Weight (kg): 63
Profession: Technical Advisor
Preferred discipline: Surfkite
Best Tricks: Big roller, kiss the lip
Other practices: Windsurf, Wing foil, Kite foil, Surf
Competitions: Former pro windsurfer – Free ride now
Nb of days on the water per year: a lot !
Home Spot: Tarifa & Almanarre
Travel Spots: Fuerteventura
Favourite meal: Tapas siempre !
Favourite music: Anderson Paak


First Name: Cyril
Height (m): 1m85
Weight (kg): 80kg
Profession: Technical Advisor
Preferred discipline: Kitesurf
Best Tricks: Big air in 40 knots
Other practices: Kite foil, Wing foil, SUP, Tennis, Fishing in NO KILL because all the time empty-handed
Competitions: i let Malo and Beryl win all competitions
Nb of days on the water per year: 200
Home Spot: Sissable
Travel Spots: Tarifa, Boracay, Safaga, Kalpitya, Obidos, Carthagena.
Favourite meal: Tom Kha Kai
Favourite music: “Les sardines” by Patrick Sébastien.


First Name: Stephen
Height (m): 1m69
Weight (kg): 65
Profession: Floor Manager
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: Aerial
Other practices: Surf foil
Competitions: a long time ago
Nb of days on the water per year: no idea
Home Spot: La Torche
Travel Spots: South West, Spain
Favourite meal: IPA
Favourite music: ALT J

Aymeric Barbieux

First Name: Aymeric
Height (m): 1,76
Weight (kg): 68 kg
Profession: Technical Advisor
Preferred discipline: SURF
Best Tricks: Barrels of course
Other practices: Surf, Surf foil, Kite, SUP, diving, fishing, everything related to water!
Competitions: Free surf
Nb of days on the water per year: I can’t count them
Home Spot: Brest
Travel Spots: Mexico, Australia, Bali, Philippines, Nicaragua ….
Favourite meal: Surf
Favourite music: Surf


First Name: Louis-Marie
Height (m): 1m65
Weight (kg): 56
Profession: Stockman
Preferred discipline: Surfkite strapless
Best Tricks: Snap the lip / send the spray
Other practices: Kitefoil / SUP / Surf / Slackline
Competitions: /
Nb of days on the water per year: As far as the wind allows
Home Spot: Noirmoutier
Travel Spots: Jericoacoara / Cabarete / Bali
Favourite meal: Those of mom / Taboulet / Chicken Gaston Gerard / Asparagus mousse
Favourite music: Melodic Techno / Electronic music / Rock


First Name: Benjamin
Height (m): 1m76
Weight (kg): 73
Profession: Web Project Manager
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: The tax
Other practices: SUP, Surf Foil, Wing, Skate
Competitions: Nope
Nb of days on the water per year: 100+
Home Spot: Palawaï
Travel Spots: Raglan, Papenoo
Favourite meal: Cheese
Favourite music: All !


First Name: David
Height (m): 1m91
Weight (kg): 83
Profession: Copywriter
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: Mind surfing
Other practices: Windsurf, Kitesurf, Foil, Wing, Surf Foil
Competitions: Some just for fun in wind/kite
Nb of days on the water per year: I lost the account in early January
Home Spot: The flat country
Travel Spots: France, Spain, Portugal
Favourite meal: Slow food
Favourite music: Radio FIP


First Name: Gaëtan
Height (m): 1,90m
Weight (kg): 78kg
Profession: Import Manager
Preferred discipline: Wing
Best Tricks: The stitches
Other practices: Surf, snow, wake, trail, triathlon
Competitions: No
Nb of days on the water per year: More and more since my arrival
Home Spot: Guidel
Travel Spots: Australia
Favourite meal: The galettes in good Breton style
Favourite music:  Very eclectic, depending on the mood and the time of day.


First name: Enzo
Height (m): 1,80
Weight (kg): 78kg poids de forme
Profession: Webmaster Assistant
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: The holes in the water
Other practices: kitesurf, wakeboard, foil
Competitions : Nope
Nb of days on the water per year: As soon as there are conditions
Home Spot : Pont-mahé
Favorite meal: Le petit Minou
Plat préféré : Poke Bowl
Favourite music: Funk & Soul


First name: Morgane
Height (m): 1m65
Weight (kg): 51kg
Profession: Accountant
Preferred discipline: Swimming
Best Tricks:
Other pratices: Aquasports, fitness
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year:
Home Spot:
Travel Spots:
Favourite meal: chocolate matters?
Favourite music: depends on the time


First name : Théo
Height (m) : 1,77 m
Weight (kg) : 70 kg
Profession : Stockman
preferred discipline : Surf
Best Tricks : –
Other practice : SUP, plongée bouteille, plongée apnée, bientôt wing ?
Competitions : –
Nb of days on the water per year: As much as possible!
Home Spot: La Torche / Valentin
Travel Spots: Hossegor
Favourite meal: Mexican and Italian cuisine
Favourite music: Rock, Funk, Compo of films


First name : Sterenn
Height (m) : 1,58m
Weight (kg) : 52kg
Profession : Webmaster Assistant
Preferred discipline : Surf longboard
Best Tricks : Get stuck in the rip courant
Other practices : Surfskate
Competitions : 0
Nb of days on the water per year:  it can only get better…
Home Spot :Moulin de la rive, Penhors
Travel Spots : Hamamatsu, Taghazout, Basque Country
Favourite meal : Korean Cuisine, Chinese Hotpot
Favourite music : Spider Zed, Nelick, The Babe Rainbow


First Name : Jules
Height (m): 186cm
Weight (kg): 95 Kg
Profession: Toy seller
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: Silly salmon
Other practices: Kite, wing, sup, surfoil, bodyboard, wake
Competitions: Bodyboard
Nb of days on the water per year: As much as possible
Home Spot: Rairoa / Pornichet
Travel Spots: Australia, California, Portugal,Canary Islands, Polynesia
Favourite meal: lasagne
Favourite music: parov stelar catgroove


First Name: Joséphine
Height (m): 170
Weight (kg): 60
Profession: Chief Marketing Officer
Discipline preferred: Kite / Longboard
Best Tricks: Nope
Other practices: Ski / Snow / Yoga / Va’a
Competitions: Nope
Nb of days on the water per year: 50 ?
Home Spot: Kerhillio, Ste Barbe
Travel Spots: Papenoo / Huahine / Moorea / Fuerte / Lanzarote
Favorite meal: Raw fish Tahitian style
Favorite music: A little bit of everything but mostly rock/hardrock classics Aerosmith Scorpions Led Zeppelin Iron maiden Van halen etc etc … and polynesian music

First Name : Pierre
Height (m) : 1m75
Weight (kg) : 71kg
Profession : Quality controller
Discipline preferred : Surf
Best Tricks : calm down the game
Other practices : SUP, surf-foil, wing-foil, surfskate, snowboard, trail
Competitions : N/A
Nb of days on the water per year : 150 to 250
Home Spot : Plouharnel
Travel Spots : Anglet
Favorite Meal : the omelette sarladaise
Favorite Music : Toxicity (most of the time)

Sent from Front


First Name : Antoine
Height : 1m80
Weight : 60kg
Profession : Customer Support
Preferred Discipline : Surf
Best tricks : the first one I would do
Other practices : SUP, Simracing
Competitions : none
Nb of days on the water per year : as much as possible
Home Spot : Saint Lunaire
Travel Spot : La Torche, Margaret River
Favorite Meal : Pasta !
Favorite music : Slipknot, SOAD, RATM, Bob Marley, Stickybuds, Infected Mushroom, Drapht, Hilltop Hoods, Die Antwoord to name but a few…


First Name : Laury
Height (m) : 1,69cm
Weight (kg) : It depends
Profession : Customer Support
Preferred discipline : Wing Foil
Best Tricks : le vol plané
Other practices : SUP, canoeing, surfing, climbing, running, swimming
Competitions : 0
Nb of days on the water per year : every day in summer, about 1/2 the rest of the year
Home Spot : Saint-Nazaire, Saint Marc, Pornichet
Travel Spots : N/A
Favorite meal : Cheesecake, and anything with chocolate
Favorite music : Quite eclectic, but Queen above all


First Name : Diane
Height (m) :  1,55m
Weight (kg) : 50 g
Profession : Financial and administrative assistant
Preferred Discipline : Swimming
Best Tricks : Swallow water
Other practices : N/A
Competitions : Formely
Nb of days on the water per year : Not enough
Home Spot : N/A
Travel Spots : N/A
Favorite meal :Milk chocolate with roasted hazelnuts and all other sweet desserts
Favorite music :It all depends on the mood


First Name:  Antoine
Height (m): 1m78
Weight (kg): 73kg
Profession: Technical advisor (wingfoil, surf, surfoil, kite etc…)
Discipline preferred: Wingfoil,
Best Tricks: Frontflip
Other practices: Surf foil, windsurf, surf, kite
Competitions: there was a time
Nb of days on the water per year: almost every day
Home Spot : Pornichet
Travel Spots: Spain, Portugal, Brazil
Favorite meal: A good big burger
Favorite music: strong rock

Jean Philippe

First Name: Jean Philippe
Height (m): 1m80
Weight (kg): 91kg
Profession: Customer Support
Discipline preferred: Surf / Sup
Best Tricks: Rougail Saucisse
Other practices: Fishing
Nb of days on the water per year: 365
Home Spot: Saint brevin city beach
Travel Spots: Pornichet
Favorite meal: Coconut chicken
Favorite music: Rap/HipHop


First Name : Julie
Height (m) : 1,66
Weight (kg) : about fifty small coconuts
Profession : Giving a smile
Discipline preferred : Surf
Best tricks : Dancing on the wave
Other practices : SUP, wingfoil (beginnings), trail, climbing, surfskate
Competition : Swimming and triathlon
Nb of days on the water per year: no idea
Home spot : Pornichet, Valentin/ Ste Barbe
Travel spot : Brittany ( La Palue 🙂 – Southwest – Costa Rica- Corsica
Favorite meal: Italian & mediterranean (veggie) food
Favorite music: Indie rock, rock alternatif, Indie folk, electro


First Name : Antoine (Aka Michel) -> @Akwaba_atn
Height (m) : 1m73
Weight (kg) : 63 kg
Profession : Stockman
Discipline preferred : Freestyle scooter (scootering boy)
Best Tricks : Rail kink on the docks in Bordeaux (Look my insta)
Other practices : Skate, Bmx, Surf (It’s been a long time but I know how to make it !! ? ), skim
Competitions : Yes , FISE Montpellier
Nb of days on the water per year : I wait for the equipment and I go
Home Spot : Skate park St Nazaire (Best skate park in France)
Travel Spots : Irún (Spain)
Favorite meal : Chicken rice
Favorite music : A good American rap and let’s go


First Name : Antoine
Height (m) : 1m87
Weight (kg) : 77 kg
Profession : Stockman
Discipline preferred : Surf
Best Tricks : Knee pose during the take off
Other practices : VTT, Kayak, Wing
Competitions : No
Nb of days on the water per year : Not anymore and that’s good
Home Spot : Saint Brévin
Travel Spots : I haven’t decided the next destination yet
Favorite meal : a good ratatouille
Favorite music : Rock and folk


First Name : Yoann
Height (m) : 1,83
Weight (kg) : 68
Profession : Stockman
Discipline preferred : Wing foil
Best Tricks : N/A
Other practices : SUP / Surf /Canicross
Competitions : No
Nb of days on the water per year : N/A
Home Spot : Pornichet (Bonne Source)
Travel Spots : N/A
Favorite meal : Everything that is fat!
Favorite music : I listen to everything


First Name: Clothilde
Height (m): 1,72m
Weight (kg): 56 kg
Profession: Designer
Preferred discipline: Windsurf and SUP
Best Tricks: N/A
Other practices: Fitness, bodybuilding and Swiming
Competitions: in windsurf there is long time ago, in sailing more recently
Nb of days on the water per year: 50
Home Spot: Brest
Travel Spots: N/A
Favourite meal:everything that comes from Italy
Favourite music: the Original soundtrack of the Gardian of the galaxy


First Name : Thomas
Height (m) : 1m78
Weight (kg) : 70
Profession : Product assistant
Preferred discipline : Kitesurf
Best Tricks : Backroll
Other practices : Surf, Wingfoil, Waveski, Surfski, Va’a, Windsurf
Competitions : Ocean Racing in Surfski
Nb of days on the water per year : As much as possible
Home Spot : Cayeux-sur-mer
Travel Spots : Lacaneau, Britain, Tahiti
Favorite meal : Raw fish with coconut milk
Favorite music : I’m picky – Shaka Ponk


First name : Annabelle
Height (m) : 1m66
Weight (kg) : RAS
Profession : Product assistant
Preferred discipline : Surf
Best Tricks : It will come…
Other practices : Skiing, Diving, SUP, Yoga…
Competitions : champion of the pancake flip
Nb of days on the water per year : I haven’t started counting but when I can of course
Home Spot : Saint Brévin l’hermitage
Travel Spots : Australia ( Byron Bay, best place ever)
Favorite meal : japanese food ( sushi, katsudon)
Favorite music : Riptide (vance joy)
Rainbow kitten surprise for chilling and cleaning
and alt-J for a break, to fall asleep at night or on the plane


First name : Mathilde
Height (m) : 1,75m
Weight (kg) : 63kg
Profession : Webmaster Assistant
Preferred discipline : Pleasure sailing (and wife of Kitesurfer)
Best Tricks : wave from the beach and bring cold beers at the end of the session
Other practices : theater, and once upon a time (sigh..!) motorcycle trips, living on his sailboat & hitchhiking
Competitions : Only to know who will have the goat’s head
Nb of days on the water per year : many weekends between June and October
Home Spot : Le Pouliguen
Travel Spots : Dream spot Tahiti
Favorite meal : A good cheese board
Favorite music : Pop, rock, French variety …


First Name: Philémon
Height (m): 1,72 m
Weight (kg): 64 Kg
Profession: Shop manager
Preferred discipline: Skimboard
Best Tricks: Wrap around
Other practices: Surf, Skate, SUP, Wakesurf and surf foil soon
Competitions: Retired but back on tour 2023!
Nb of days on the water per year: As much as possible
Home Spot: Bonne source / La Courance
Travel Spots: Portugal, England, Spain, South America
Favourite meal: Pizza
Favourite music:  Minimal Electro / Rock


First Name : Sophie
Height (m) : 1,73
Weight (kg) : 68
Profession : Team Customer Support to serve you
Preferred discipline: Kitesurf
Best Tricks : This one is!
Other practices : Starts wing and kitefoil
Competitions : of mermaid aka monopalme for 10 years
Nb of days on the water per year : a hundred
Home Spot : Le Rohu – St Gildas de Rhuys ❤️
Travel Spots : Grenadines, Martinique, Dakhla, Paracas (Peru), Fuerteventura, Formentera
Favorite meal : the galette with lots of butter
Favorite music : all those that make you sing, dance, laugh, cry but above all the sound of waves (of silence too of course, a masterpiece!)


First name : Fred
Height (m) : 1,85
Weight (kg) : Minimum quintal
Profession : Kitchen chef
Preferred discipline : SUP or Chop chives while listening to loud music
Best Tricks : Ikejime sea bass tartare with Westcoast sauce
Other practices : Fishing, let’s try our hand at Wing
Competitions : World Galette saucisse Championship
Nb of days on the water per year : Not Enough
Home Spot : From Pornichet to the Pointe de Merquel
Travel Spots : The black and white 26.5m lighthouse built in 1865 is 9.3 minutes from the GSC.
Favorite meal : A grilled lobster with good beans from the garden simply
Favorite music : Plutôt Rock and Patrick Coutin


First name : Pauline
Height (m) : 1m58
Weight (kg) : 50Kg
Profession : Room Manager
Preferred discipline : Surf
Best Tricks : Making the washing machine
Other practices : Snowboarding
Competitions : N/A
Nb of days on the water per year : Not enough
Home Spot : Batz sur mer / Pornichet
Travel Spots : N/A
Favorite meal : Pork with caramel / Lasagne / Tartiflette
Favorite music : GrooveWax /  Supachill / Deluxe / Chineese Man / ChillBump


Last Name : Tristan
Height (m) : 1m78
Weight (kg) : 69
Profession : Community Manager
Preferred discipline : Windsurf and Wingfoil
Best Tricks : Racing jibe
Other practices : Surfing, Pirogue (oc1), Skate longboard, Wake, Sup Race, Sup Surf, Snowboard
Competitions : French Championships (4th in 2019) and EuroTour in SUP Race (top 10 in 2020)
Nb of days on the water per year : 220+
Home Spot :Gulf of Morbihan, Quiberon, Bonne Source
Travel Spots : /
Favorite meal : Chili / Burger
Favorite music : La Femme – Sur la planche


First Name: Coline
Height (m): 1m70
Profession: Product Manager
Preferred discipline: Surf & wing
Best Tricks : Kung fu Panda
Other practices: Kitesurf, Tennis
Compétitions: Nope
Nb of days on the water per year: Ce n’est pas le nombre qui compte:)
Home Spot : Bonne source
Travel Spots : Maroc, Canaries, Portugal
Favourite meal: Cheese
Favourite music: Laake & ma collection de vinyles

Marc Antoine

Prénom: Marc-Antoine
Height (m): 179
Weignt (kg): 62
Profession: Head Customer Support
Preferred Discipline: Surf, Wingfoil
Best Tricks: La godille (en ski et sur une prame)
Other practices: Sailing, Ski touring & Bikepacking
Competitions : nope
Nb de jours sur l’eau par an : Never enough
Home Spot : La Guérite, Quiberon (56), Loctudy
Travel Spots : To discover
Plats préférés : Buckwheat crepes, Chicken and coconut, Savoyard fondue
Musiques préférées : Thycaline, the Blaze


First Name : Louis
Height (m) : 1,73
Weight (kg) : 62
Profession : Production Leader Composite Boards
Preferred discipline : Wingfoil
Best Tricks :  N/A
Other practices : Surf, bodyboard, paddle, surf foil, skate…
Competitions : Once or twice
Nb of days on the water per year : 150
Home Spot : La Courance & La Mouette Sinagote
Travel Spots : Morocco, Portugal
Favorite meal : Everything except tomatoes
Favorite music : Brest Bay – Stand High Patrol


First name : Clément
Height (m) : 1,87
Weight (kg) : 73
Profession : Head of Administration and Finance
Preferred discipline : Surf, Wing (coming soon!)
Best Tricks : N/A
Other practices : Basketball, Skiing, Yoga
Competitions : N/A
Nb of days on the water per year : Still not enough
Home Spot : La Baule, Quiberon, SGXV
Travel Spots : Imsouane
Favorite meal : Wholemeal galette (well crusted), Mont d’Or
Favorite music : Erasure, Isaac Delusion, Empire of The Sun


First name: Emilie
Height (m) : 1m60
Weight (kg) : 49
Profession : Graphic Designer
Preferred discipline : bodyboard
Best Tricks : collecting shells in my swimming costume when I’m caught in a shore break
Other practice :sailing, combat sports, walking, yoga, rock dancing.
Competitions : N/A
Nb of days on the water per year : N/A
Home Spot : N/A
Travel Spots : N/A
Favorite meal : veggie croziflette (to round off the kg)
Favorite music : rock, indie, new wave/electro


First name: Léo
Height (m): 1,68
Weight (kg): 60
Profession: Video Maker
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: A good take-off is good enough
Other practices: Running, Hiking
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: As many showers taken
Home Spot: Saint-Malo, Brittany
Travel Spots: Jakes Point, Western Australia
Favorite meal: Wholemeal cakes
Favorite music: Money Trees – Kendrick Lamar Merci,


First name: Loan
Height (m): 1,86
Weight (kg): 97
Profession: Photographer
Preferred discipline : Surf
Best Tricks: A good turn!
Others practice : Sailing, Scuba diving, Freediving
Competitions : European Championship, Laser standard
Nb of days on the water per year : N/A
Home Spot : La Govelle
Travel Spots : Fuerteventura
Favorite meal : Avocado Toast
Favorite music : Cumbia Sobre el Mar – Quantic


First name: Naomie
Height (m): 1,60
Weight (kg): N/A
Profession: Graphic Designer
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: Having fun
Other practices: Crossfit, skateboarding, SUP, …
Competitions: Not any more
Nb of days on the water per years: As much as possible when temperatures are mild
Travel Spots: Les Landes
Favorite meal: N/A
Favorite music: N/A


First name: Quentin
Height (m): 1m78
Weight (kg): 72kg
Profession: Designer
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: N/A
Other practices: kitesurf / surfskate / wingfoil
Competitions: Nope
Nb of days on the water per year: … in the water when conditions are right
Home Spot: downstairs from me
Travel Spots:  SXM le galion / Manly / La Torche
Favorite meal: sweet and savoury like pineapple pizza
Favorite music: Chill in summer / HipHop in winter

Malo Guénolé

Last Name: GUENOLE
First Name: Malo
Preferred discipline  surf.
Best Tricks: the one of tomorrow.
First rides in: 2006.
Other practices: SUP.
Nb of days on the water per year: 200.
Home Spot: La Baule.
Travel Spots: Costa rica.
Favourite meal: Monster munch.
Favourite music: Carlos.
GONG Gear : Protos Lethal/Chemical Surf.


First Name: Mathieu
Height (m): 1,87 m
Weight (kg): 94 kg
Preferred discipline: Sup, foil, wing, kite
Home Spot: Papara, Tahiti
Favorite Spot: Maoti, Papara
Favourite meal: Fish
Favourite music:  Rap

in details

Mathieu lives, breathes and sleeps the ocean life. He is well versed in many ocean sports.

The Pacific Ocean is 40 feet from his bedroom. He also has a passion for photography and loves bringing new people into the ocean for unforgettable experiences.

Moritz Mauch

Last Name: MAUCH
First Name: Moritz
Height (m): 1,80m.
Weight (kg): 65 kg.
Profession: pro windsurfer.
Preferred discipline: Windsurf, SUP.
Other practices: surf
Competitions: windsurf, SUP race.
SUP Awards: 7 times German champion: 5 times in Surfing, twice in Race.
Nb of days on the water per year: minimum 300 days with several sessions per day.
Home Spot: Gran Canaria.
Travel Spots: all events of the windsurfing world cup.

Evelin NEVES

Last name : NEVES
First name : Evelin
Preferred discipline: professional longboarder
Home Spot : Praia de Macumba
Favorite Spot: Praia de Macumba
Favourite meal: Pizza
Favourite music: All


in details

Eveline has a true passion for longboarding, namely old school style. Ocean and nature no longer hold any secrets for her.


First Name: Vilayta
Preferred discipline: SUP big wave rider
Home Spot: Bajamar
Favorite Spot: San Borondon
Favourite meal: serrano ham, fish and seafood
Favourite music: classic, traditional canarian, soul


in details

Vilayta is best known as a big wave stand up paddler from Canary Island and joined the GONG team in 2020.

Clement HAMON

Last Name: Hamon
First Name: Clément
Height (m): 1,74
Weight (kg): 58
Preferred discipline: Wingfoil
Best Tricks: Backloop 720
Other practices: Surf foil, SUP foil, Dockstart
Competitions: GWA
Nb of days on the water per year:  300
Home Spot: Le Pointeau
Travel Spots: Taiba (Brazil)
Favourite meal: carbonara pasta
Favourite music: hip-hop, reggae


Chris Cunningham

First Name: Chris
Height (m): 1,85 m
Weight (kg): 77 kg
Profession: Retired (former Architect)
preferred discipline: Wingfoil – Freeride / Cruising
Best Tricks: Toeside tack / Carving 360
Waterman since:  
I was a boy ! Surfing / Sailing / Windsurfing as a kid.
Other activities: Mountain biking / Hiking / Travelling / Camper Van / DIY / Design
Competitions: Speed sailing / maybe some wingfoil racing next year
Nb of days on the water per year: Every day there is wind – 300+ days per year
Home Spot: South Devon, UK – Torbay / Teign Estuary
Travel Spots: Carnac, Brittany
Favorite meal: Thai
Favorite music: AC/DC

Noemi Zonta

Last Name: ZONTA
First Name: Noemi
Height: 1,70 m
Country: Slovénie / Koper
Job: Freelance theatre technician, animator and videographer
Preferred activity: SUP
Best Move:break the ligament of the knee by turning on a wave.
Waterwoman since: 2014
Other activities: cycling, windsurfing, running, design and digital arts, illustration, animation, film and photography
Competitions: 0
Nb of days on the water per year: 150
Home Spot: Dajla, Barbariga, Medo
Travel Spots : Italy – Sardegna
Favourite meal: smoothie bowl with papaya
Favourite music: rock ‘n ‘roll


Last name: Ayres
First name: Pamella
Height (m): 1.63
Weight (kg): 54kg
Profession: Wing foil instructor
Favourite discipline: Wing foil
Best tricks: 360, backside 360
Waterwoman since : 2008
Other activities: Kitesurf, Surf foil
Competitions : Slalom, Race
Nb of days on the water per year: 300
Home Spot : Paracuru – Brazil
Travel destinations: Italy, Brazilian coast, Greece
Favourite meals: Pasta and seafood
Favourite music: MPB


First name : Julien
Height (m) : 1m75
Weight (kg) : 71 kg
Profession : Technical Advisor
Preferred discipline : Wingfoil Racing
Best Tricks : Aerial
Waterman since :  6 years old
Other practices :  surf / Windsurf / kite / paddle / tennis …
Competitions : IWSA / GWA
Nb of days on the water per year : 200 +
Home Spot : Cannes and soon La Baule / Pornichet
Travel Spots : Paracuru (Brazil) Imsouane (Morroco)
Favorite meal : Couscous
Favorite music : Any type of music as long as it sounds good

Max Robinson

Last name : Robinson
First name : Max
Height (m) : 190
Weight (kg) : 93
Profession : Wingfoiler
Favourite discipline : Freestyle Wingfoiling
Best Tricks : Backflip and Frontflip
Waterman since : 2004 (when I started windsurfing)
Other practices : I enjoy almost all sports but some other favourites are Windsurfing, Snowboarding and Basketball
Competitions : I plan to attend all the remaining events on the GWA calendar excluding Rio and Denmark.
Number of days on the water per year : I think around 200 but I’ve never tracked this before. I’ll start today!
Home Spot : Toronto Windsurfing Club
Travel Spots : My favourite place to ride is Tenerife, Spain
Favourite meal : Pizza
Favorite music : Hiphop/Rap and Electronic

Bastien Escofet

Last name: Bastien
First name: Escofet
Height: 181cm
Weight: 75kg
Preferred Discipline:Wave riding
Best tricks: FS1080
Waterman since: 2004
Other practices: Surfing with and without foils / sup foil / windsurfing
Competitions: All the GWA Tour and the ANOC World Beach Games in Bali
Nb of days on the water per year: Over 200 days in the water
Home spot: Pornichet
Travel spot: Margaret River (Aus), Taiba (Bra)
Favorite meal: Slab’s tuna black burger
Favorite music: US rap

Lou Thouin

Last name : Thouin
First name : Lou
Height : 1m70
Weight : 53kg
Profession : Student
Preferred discipline : wingfoil
Best tricks : front loop
Waterman since : always
Others practice : surfing, surf foiling, sup foiling
Competition : Local competitions
Number of days on the water per year : as much as possible (a lot!!)
Home spot : l’Almanarre
Travel spots : Basque Country, Ericeira (Portugal)
Favorite music : a little bit of everything


First name: Ségolène
Height (m): 170
Weight (kg): 55
Profession: Customer Support
Preferred discipline: Longboard
Best Tricks: N/A
Other practices: Yoga, Sailing, Wing, SUP
Nb of days on the water per year:  Not enough
Home Spot : Plage Valentin
Travel Spots: The Pass, Watego Bay, le Phare, Port Louis
Favourite meal: Pizza à la truffe
Favourite music: RY X, Ben Howard, Charlotte Cardin


Last name : Salazar
First name : Alex
Height (m) : 1,80
Weight (kg) : 74
Profession :  Pro surfer
Preferred Discipline : N/A
Best Tricks :  Barrel
Waterman since : 1994
Other practices : Running, Paddle long distance
Competitions : World champion 2012 SUP surfing APP tour et World champion 2022 SUP longboard APP tour.
Nb of days on the water per year : N/A
Home Spot : Santos / São Paulo
Travel Spots : Hawaii
Favorite meal : Vegetables
Favorite music :  Reggae/ Slightly stoopid – Stick Figure

Jean-Paul Averty

Last Name: AVERTY
First Name: Jean-Paul
Height (m): 1,81m.
Weight (kg): 92 kg.
Profession: Technical Sales Engineer.
Preferred discipline: KiteSurf, Surf, BodySurf, Stand Up, Wind Surf, Photography (Not in a particular order).
Best Tricks: Cannot wait to land a 360°.
Rider since: SUP since year 1 in France, 2006.
Other practices: 40 years of bodySurf, 28 years of windsurf, 7 years of kite, 2 years of surf.
Competitions: never, just for fun!
Nb of days on the water per year: all sports included + Photos = 100 days (50/50).
Home Spot: I don’t have one because I’m always on the move and I do things according to the weather conditions.
Favourite Spots: Côte des Basques (Biarritz), Canet en Roussillon, La Franqui, Richelieu (Cap d’Agde), Palavas les Flots.
Travel Spots: Tarifa…
Favourite meal: couscous, magret, rib steak, salads like over there!!!! (Morocco).
Favourite music: Deep Purple, Phil Collins, Moby, Stones, Beach Boys, Nirvana.

Benjamin English

Last Name: ENGLISH
First Name: Benjamin
Height (m): 1,83
Weight (Kg): 78 kg
Profession: Lawyer
Preferred discipline: Besides stand up? Kitesurf
Best Tricks: reentry frontside with a lot of speed!!!
Nb of years of practice: 8
Other practices: Sailing (catamaran F 18) in high level competition, longboard, longkate, catakite, yoga…
Competitions: Event Director of the DERBY KITESURF in La Baule, regularly ranked in the French top 10 in Formula 18 catamarans, 8th in the European Hobie cat 16 championship in 2002, a career as a pro skimboarder aborted at the age of 12…
Nb of days on the water per year: a hundred
Home Spot: La côte sauvage (44)
Travel Spots : Egypt, the Canary Islands, the Landes coast… but above all Polynesia next July.
Favourite meal: The couech pie of mother-in-law! Four cheese pizza…
Favourite music: Ben Harper, Buena vista social club, NTM (eclectic no ?)

Didier D'Hervez

Last Name: D’HERVEZ
First Name: Didier
Height (m): 1,81
Size (Kg): 76 kg
Profession: Commercial Sportswear
Preferred discipline: SUP & Kitesurf
Nb of years of practice: SUP from the french year 1, 2006.
Other practices: Surf & Kitesurf
Sponsors: GONG
Nb of days on the water per year: 1 day, on New Year’s Day
Home Spot: Pornichet
Travel Spots: Mauritius, Cape Verde, Barbados
Favourite meal: Italian.
Favourite music: Too many!


Last name : Jobin
First name : René
Height (m) : 1,72
Weight (kg) : 80
Profession : Kitesurf and wingfoil instructor
Preferred discipline : Wingfoil
Best Tricks : Not really! At 62, you just surf the waves a bit! that’s all! lol
Waterman since : 2000
Other practices : Running, Biking
Competitions : No
Nb of days on the water per year : 100 and more
Home Spot :New Brunswick ( Baie des chaleurs across the Atlantic from you )
Travel Spots : Brazil, Morocco, Colombia, Cuba, North Carolina (U.S.A.)
Favorite meal : Steaks, chips, casseroles, Chinese fondue, homemade lemon tarts
Favorite music : Disco and the 80s and 90s

Romain Jean Alias Roro

Last Name: JEAN
First Name: Romain
Height: 1,72 m
Weight: 75 kg
Country: France / 34
Job: company manager / engineer
Preferred activity: SUP
Best Move: Tube
Waterman since: the age of 12
Other activities: Surf, Kite, Skateboard, Snowboard
Competitions: SUP regional waves (Languedoc Roussillon), 3rd place at the last one in Palavas
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home Spot: Sète
Travel Spots: Mainly around the Mediterranean and the Basque Country. Some “exotic” surf trips: Guadeloupe, Canary Islands.
Favourite meal: Cannellonis
Favourite music: everything according to the mood

Xavier Leroy

Last Name: LEROY
First Name: Xavier
Height (m): 1,80m
Weight (kg): 80kg
Profession: Surf coach
Preferred discipline: surf.
Other practices: longboard, SUP, Surfoil
Surf Awards: 
Nb of days on the water per year:
Home Spot: Anglet
Travel Spots: 

Aurélien QUIRI

First name : QUIRI
Last name : Aurélien
Height (m) : 1,80
Weight (kg) : 66 kgs
Profession : Police investigator
Preferred discipline : Wing
Best Tricks : Duck Jibe | Heineken
Waterman since :
Other practice : Sailling (Regatta), SUP, Trail
Competitions : French cruiser championships, Bol d’or Mirabaud -> Sailing
Nb of the day on the water per year : 2022 = 150
Home Spot : Geneva | Messery
Travel Spots : Quimiac, Ver sur mer, Cap d’Agde
Favorite meal : Salad, Pasta
Musiques préférées : Olivier Michael, French 79, Orelsan

Patrick Kruithof

First Name: Patrick
Height (m): 1,60
Weight (Kg): 80 kg
Profession: Snowboard instructor and Full-time R&D.
Preferred discipline: SUP
Best Tricks: Hang Five
Nb of years of practice: since 2005
Other practices: snowboard – winsdurf
Competitions: nope
Nb of days on the water per year: 100 days
Travel Spots: Nosara & Tamarindo Costa Rica – Hendaye beach, Biarritz – Bidart, Anglet France – San Sebastian, Spain.
Favourite meal: mussels
Favourite music: all types of music

Colas Nahaboo Alias Coolas

Last Name: NAHABOO
First Name: Colas
Height: 1,67 m
Weight: 100 kg
Country: France / 06
Job: Informaticien
Preferred discipline: SUP
Best Move: Bottom turn
Waterman since: 1975
Other activities: Windsurf and Surf (but not since SUP)
Competitions: don’t say
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home Spot: Cannes (06) / St Aygulf (83)
Travel Spots: Seignosse
Favourite meal: Nissarde
Favourite music: Boogie !

Edouard Tournier

Last Name : TOURNIER
First Name : Edouard
Height (m) : 1m80
Weight (kg) : 65
Profession : Student
Preferred Discipline : Wingfoil
Best Tricks : Railey
Waterman since : 2015
Other practice : Wake and Surf foil, Dockstart, Skimboard, Athletics, Surfskate
Competitions : Carnon Wingfoil Event, Défi Wing Gruissan
Nb of days on the water per year : 100
Home Spot : Carnon and d’Aigues Mortes bay
Travel Spots : i’ve got a lot of ideas
Favorite meal : Mum’s lasagna
Favorite music : Happy

Bruno Loustalan

First Name: Bruno
Height (m): 1,76m
Weight (Kg): 70 kg
Profession: retired from surfing ?
Preferred discipline: Surf / Stan Up
Best Tricks: cool/tube
Nb of years of practice: since 1969.
Other practices: snowboard
Competitions: French Surfing Championships 1974, 1975 & 1976
Nb of days on the water per year: 150/200
Home Spot: Biarritz, Contis (Landes)
Travel Spots: Spain, Portugal, Morocco, West Africa, Indo, Tahiti and Caribbean Islands
Favourite meal: Beef ribs on the plancha – red wine
Favourite music: all types of music

Boris Thouin Alias Bo

Last Name: THOUIN
First Name: Boris
Height (m): 1,76m
Weight (kg): 79 kg
Country: France / 83
Job: Nurse
Preferred activity: Surfing
Best Move: Wipeout
Waterman since: a long time
Other activities: being in the water
Competitions: none
Nb of days on the water per year: a lot
Home Spot: Slab in 83
Travel Spots: 64, 40, 33
Favourite meal: Pasta
Favourite music: Rock alternatif

Mikael Pointeau

Last Name: PONTAUD
First Name: Mikael
Height (m): 1,79m.
Weight (kg): 85 kg.
Profession: Chef, rider.
Preferred discipline: SUP, surf.
Best Tricks: bottom, tube, airs.
Other practices: surf, windsurf, kite, pirogue, FMX, pit bike, VTT.
Competitions: NADA !
Nb of days on the water per year: 365 per year that’s for sure.
Home Spot: Punta Preta sur Sal, Cap Verde.
Travel Spots: Canaries Island, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicargua.
Favourite meal: raw or cooked tuna, and also with bacon.
Favourite music: anything good.


Last name : MATTIA
First name : Marion
Height (m) : 1m65
Weight (kg) : 58kg
Profession : Coach Wing et Wingfoil
Preferred discipline: Surfing, Wingfoil, all board sports but especially when there is a wave
Best Tricks : I am working on it 🙂
Waterman since : 2010
Other practice :Hiking, sailing
Competitions : 3rd World Games Wingfoil Racing, IWSA oct.2021, 5th championship of Europe Wingfoil Racing GWA 2021 and 2022
Nb of days on the water per year : 250 – 300 but with a lot of motorboat sessions (coaching)
Home Spot : La grande Motte
Travel Spots : New Zealand, Brazil, Portugal, Morocco, California
Favorite meal : Açaï, Poke bowl, Hamburger “homemade”
Favorite music :There are too many… but rather “chill” music

Jean-Luc Vaslin

Last Name: Vaslin
First Name: Jean-Luc
Height: 1m71
Weight: 85Kg
Country: France / 64
Job: AFMAR official
Preferred activity: sleep
Waterman since: always
Other activities: Kite and photo
Competitions: a lot, at the highest level in windsurfing, in my youth
Nb of days on the water per year: 100/150
Home spot: Ste Barbe 64
Travel spots: tarifa.
Favourite meal: Rice
Favourite music: Rock.

Pierre Girardeau

First Name: Pierre
Height (m): 1M75
Weight (kg): 75 KG
Profession: Masseur-physiotherapist
Preferred discipline: Stand Up Paddle
Best Tricks: /
Waterman since: My birth
Other practices: All the sliding sports
Competitions: Championnat de France – Circuit Coupe de France – International Competition
Nb of days on the water per year: As often as possible
Home Spot: Les sables d’Olonne
Travel Spots: Fuerteventura
Favourite meal: All
Favourite music: Electro/Pop/Rock

Lilou Douzal

Last Name: DOUZAL
First Name: Lilou
Height (m): 1,76m.
Country: France / 34 Hérault
Profession: nurse student
Favourite activity: SUP
Best Tricks: Beluga move
Waterwoman since : 2012.
Other activities: eating, playing the piano, talking nonsense (full time!)
Competitions: not, but why not ?.
Nb of days on the water per year: 150 grâce au SUP !!!
Home Spot: Palavas les flots
Travel Spots: BZH, Guadeloupe
Favourite meal: Mustard
Favourite music: eclectic: reggae, rock, French, dancehall, zouk.


Last Name: ROUSSEL
First Name: Yohann
Height (m): 1m92
Weight (kg): 90-100 kg
Country: France
Profession: Computer engineer
Preferred discipline: foil
Best Tricks: Just surf the wave for as long as possible
Waterman since: 1991
Other practices: Wing, Surf, Surf foil, Long SUP, dock start
Competitions: No
Nb of days on the water per year: 150-300
Home Spot: Sainte Barbe (56)
Favourite meal: Pasta
Favourite music: Metal, a little punk, a touch of techno


Last Name: BARBIER
First Name: Martin
Height (m): 1,71 m
Weight (kg): 60 kg
Profession: N/A
Preferred discipline: The most appropriate support for the day’s conditions
Best Tricks: Tack / Jibe / Jump
Waterman since:
Since childhood
Others practice: Windsurf / Wing foil / SUP foil / SUP surf /SUP race / Surf
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: As soon as there are conditions
Home Spot: Finistère
Travel Spots: Where it rides
Favorite meal: Burger
Favorite music: Rock

Nathan RIGAL

Last Name : RIGAL
First Name : Nathan
Height (m) : 1,78m
Weight (kg) : 71kg
Profession : Kayak / SUP Instructor
Preferred Discipline : Surf / Wing foil / Surf foil / SUP foil
Best Tricks : Backloop
Waterman since : 15 years
Others practice :Fishing / Diving / Kayaking / Apnea
Competitions : No
Nb of days on the water per year : 200
Home Spot : La Tamarissière – Hérault
Travel Spots :Guadeloupe / Morocco / Ireland / Canary Islands
Favorite Meal : Lasagna
Favorite Music : La rue Ketanou


First name : Antoine
Height (m): 1,82m
Weight (kg): 70kg
Profession: Cook
Discipline preferred: Wing, SUP, photo, cross-country skiing.
Best Tricks: Mes 9 mois de vie en voilier avec un transatlantique !
Waterman since: 1999
Other practices: Moth foil, skateboard, cross-country skiing.
Competitions: European and French Championship in SL16 over several seasons.
Nb of days on the water per year: About 50 – 60.
Home Spot: La Baule and Mont Tremblant (Quebec).
Travel Spots: The Antilles.
Favourite meal: Street food, poke, everything natural and simple ++ for fish.
Favourite music: Rock, pop, Blink 182.

Ingrid Ulrich

Last Name: ULRICH
First Name: Ingrid
Height: 1,69 m
Country: France / 30 Gard
Job: Professor of sales and nothing
Preferred activity: SUP Surf, SUP Race and go on an adventure!
Best Move: Let’s go!
Waterwoman since: houlà! I’m not so young anymore!
Other activities: Rollerblading, Skiing, Paragliding, and anything that needs oars to move forward (I also master the fishing boat).
Competitions: SUP Race
Nb of days on the water per year: As much as possible!
Home Spot: Les Saintes and the Hérault coast.
Travel Spots: Everywhere and anywhere!
Favourite meal: The stinky cheese, the Peanut Curly, and for dessert the Ban Lot (Asia).
Favourite music: Indie pop, Synthpop, New wave, Country

Warrick Smith

Last Name : Smith
First Name : Warrick
Height (m) : 183cm
Weight (kg) : 96kg
Profession : GM of medium manufacturing Co
Discipline preferred : Wingfoil, SUP
Best Tricks : Disaster after : “Hey, watch this !”
Waterman since : 2017
Other practices : Family, Creativity, sport with speed.
Competitions : No, only with myself 🙂
Nb of days on the water per year: : 100
Home Spot : Bay of Lübeck, Pönitzer See
Favorite meal : Corn on the cob
Favorite music : Anything with 100% commitment


First Name: Tom
Height (m): 1m82
Weight (kg): 80kg
Preferred discipline: Wingfoil
Best Tricks: Railey
Waterman since :
At the age of 8
Other practices: Surf, Windsurf, Wake, Skiing, Snowboard
Competitions: No
Nb of days on the water per year: Between 50 and 100
Home Spot: Marseille, pointe rouge
Travel Spots: All spots in the South of France
Favourite meal: a good pasta dish between two sessions
Favourite music: 1er gaou Magic System

Sophie Degas

Last Name: DEGAS
First Name: Sophie
Height (m): 1,68m.
Country: France / 85 Vendée
Profession: responsible for debt collection, litigation and loan management.
Preferred activities: chilling !
Best Tricks: rolled up backwards with a big splash and spray
Waterwoman since: my first bath
Other activities: Speed sailing (4th in the 2014 French championship, 2012 league champion, 1st women’s regional champion 2012, 2103, 2014), skiing, snowboarding
Competitions: yes, 1st at the 2014 French Cup, but in a cool way.
Nb of days on the water per year: including in my bath?
Home Spot: Les dunes (Brétignolles), the big beach at st gilles x de vie, Kealler.
Travel Spots: N/A
Favourite meal: Soup phô from Khôk, paris 13ième, sweet/salty, exotic but not spicy food.
Favourite music  the song of the Sardines barely perceptible in the rustle of the seaweeds.

Julian ROCCO

Last Name: ROCCO
First Name: Julain
Height (m): 1m77
Weight (kg): 70 kg
Profession: Medical student
Preferred discipline: Wing, Windsurf
Best Tricks: Aim360
Waterman since: 2007-2008
Other practices: Surf, SUP, Trail …
Competitions: In windsurfing until 2017
Nb of days on the water per year: As much as possible
Home Spot: La Pointe Rouge !!!
Travel Spots: Lanzarote, Algarve, Corsica, Sardinia, Guadeloupe, Brittany, Basque Country…
Favourite meal: Pizza Margarita
Favourite music: Jul

Julian Novak

First name: Novak
Last name:
Height (m): 1,59 m
Weight (kg): 41 kg
Profession: soon to be a high school student.
Preferred discipline: Wing foil, surf
Best Tricks : downwind surf
Waterman since: Always
Autres pratiques: sailing, surfing, kiting, skimming, skateboarding and anything else that slidese
Competitions: sculling competition
Nb of days on the water per year: as soon as there is wind or waves
Home Spot: Kerfany les pins, Guidel la Falaise et les Glénan
Travel Spots: Houat, Belle-île et l’île d’Yeu
Favourite meal: My mom’s tuna lasagna
Favourite music: Rock, Oasis, Rage against the machine, …


Last name: Cappuzzo
First name: Francesco
Height (m):  1,80m.
Weight (kg): 90kg.
Profession: Athlete
Preferred discipline: I’m waterman , I don’t have one , I just want to be in the water
Waterman since: 1997
Best Tricks: FS7 – Barrel
Other practices: Windsurf, Kitesurf , Surf.
Competitions: GWA, IWSA, PWA, GKA.
Nb of days on the water per year: I lost the count
Home Spot: Windresort-Puzziteddu.
Travel Spots: Maurice, Capetown, Brésil
Favourite meal: Pizza
Favourite music: Salmo

Corentin Lemaitre

Last name: LEMAITRE
First Name: Corentin
Height: 1m73
Weight: 65Kg
Country: France / 85 Vendée
Job: technical manager of real estate projects
Preferred activitiy: SUP, kite, windsurf (but this was before)
Best move: Backloop (one of the few I’m currently landing)
Waterman since: 15 years
Other activities: Tennis, football
Competitions: not interested
Nb of days on the water per year: about 40 (not enough, anyway)
Home spot: Notre dame de monts (Vendée 85)
Travel spots: Noumea (nov 2013)
Favourite meal: Croque monsieur, lasagna, burger, only light…
Favourite music: hip hop, electro.

Iago Piñeiro

Last name : Piñeiro Lavandeira
First name : Iago
Height (m) : 1,79 m
Weight (kg) : 70 kg
Profession : Student
Preferred discipline : Foilling / Sailling
Best Tricks : Almost Flaka
Waterman since : 2012
Others practices : Sailling
Competitions : Not yet … yet
Nb of days on the water per year : ± 100 per year
Home Spot / Travel Spots : Portosin, Ria Muros-Noia
Favourite meal : Milanese
Favourite music : All is good

Nicolas Leforestier

First Name: Nicolas
Taille : 1m76
Weight: 85Kg
Country: France / Toulouse
Job: Project Manager at Orange
Preferred activity: Foil
Waterman since: 1979
Other activities: Waterskiing, wake, wake surf, kite
Competitions: retired from high-level sport (water skiing)
Nb of days on the water per year: + de 150
Home spot: Leucate / Toulouse
Travel spots: Johannesburg / Pornic
Favourite meal: Everything prepared with love.
Favourite music: Everything on FG DJ Radio.

Stéphane JALON

Last name : JALON
First name : Stéphane
Height (m) : 1,82m
Weight (kg) : 83kg
Profession : Sales Manager / Sustainable Development
Preferred discipline: Wingfoil
Best Tricks : Big jumps abd freefly
Waterman since : the birth
Other practices : Snowboard, snowkite, kite, surfskate … and the dockstart : I believe it (splash!)+ golf, badminton
Competitions : no
Nb of days on the water per year: As soon as I can. The wingfoil has increased that number quite a bit!
Home Spot : Grand Large, Monteynard + Mediterranean
Travel Spots : Coming soon !
Favourite meal: Carbo pasta and spicy dishes
Favourite music: Techno/Rock

Christian Jacobi

Last Name: JACOBI
First Name: Christian
Height: 1,86m
Weight: 82kg
Country: Germany
Job: Doctor
Preferred activity: kitesurf
Best move: Toeside, backflip
Waterman since: I was a little boy
Other activity: anything on the water (SUP, surf, windsurf and foil)
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home spot: Bavarian lakes and rivers
Travel spots: Cape Town
Favourite meal: Breton oysters !
Favourite music: Oldies


Last Name: GANDAR
First Name: Thomas
Height (m): 1,8m
Weight (kg): 92kg
Profession: Business Manager
Preferred discipline: Wing
Best Tricks: 360 jibe
Waterman since: 25 years
Other practices: Windsurf
Competitions : RAS
Nb of days on the water per year: ≃ 52
Home Spot : Acal Gondrexange in the East (57)
Travel Spots : Cape Verde, Leucate
Favourite meal: Pizza
Favourite music: Rock

Antoine Civel

Last Name: CIVEL
First Name: Antoine
Height (m): 1,72
Weight (Kg): 72 kg
Country: France / 44 Loire atlantique
Profession: industrial designer
Preferred activity: SUP, kite.
Best Tricks: backloop in surfkite strapless.
Waterman since: 1994
Other practices: sailing.
Competitions: only in sailing.
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home Spot: Peninsula of Guérande.
Travel Spots: Egypt, Spain
Favourite meal: a raclette by the fire.
Favourite music: Ben harper, wax tailor, bob marley.

Felix Dary

Last Name: DARY
First Name: Felix
Height: 1,60 m
Country: France
Job: Student
Preferred activity: Wingfoil
Best Move: Foiling jibe
Waterman since: Always
Other activities: Sailing
Competitions: Yes
Nb of days on the water per year: almost every day
Home Spot: Les sables D’Olonne
Travel Spots: Brittany
Favourite meal: Lasagna
Favourite music: The whistling of the foil


First Name: Jennifer
Height (m): 1,69
Weight (kg): 61
Profession: Head of Logistics
Preferred discipline: Wing
Best Tricks: N/A
Autres pratiques: Running / skiing / diving / yoga
Competitions: N/A
Nb of days on the water per year:  I don’t know about “on”, but 150 in the water!
Home Spot: Le Pouliguen
Travel Spots: Bali, Vietnam, Cambodge, Australie et lots of Europe
Favourite meal: Chakchouka
Favourite music: Anything for a good mood

Maxime Georget

Last Name: GEORGET
First Name: Maxime
Height: 1,73 m
Country: France
Job: Student / Animator
Preferred activity: Surf
Best Move: Aerial
Waterman since: 5 years
Other activities: Skimboard
Competitions: Surf league cups, skimboard french cup tour
Nb of days on the water per year: 200
Home Spot: Pornichet
Travel Spots: New-Zealand
Favourite meal: Salmon
Favourite music: Skeggs

Wandrille Delmas

Last Name: Delmas
First Name: Wandrille
Height (m): 1,60
Weight (Kg): 49
Profession: Student
Preferred discipline: kite
Best Tricks: double backloop
Nb of years of practice: 8
Other practices: sailing wing surf skate
Competitions: sailing at international level
Sponsors: mom and dad
Nb of days on the water per year: 200 on years without lockdown
Home Spot: Gâvres 56
Travel Spots: dakhla Guadeloupe fuerte
Favourite meal: burger
Favourite music: rap

Guillaume Crepin

Last Name: CREPIN
First Name: Guillaume
Height: 1,82 m
Weight: 78 kg
Country: France / 33 Gironde
Job: Business manager
Preferred activity: SUP + Surf
Best Move: Washing machine
Waterman since: 1995
Other activities: Cruising… in SUP of course
Competitions: none
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home Spot: oléron
Travel Spots: Bali, Portugal, Spain, Basque Country, Gironde
Favourite meal: quick snack and let’s go in the water
Favourite music: Marcel and his orchestra, massilia sound system

Sébastien Bouin

Last Name: BOUIN
First Name: Sébastien
Height (m): 1,76
Weight (Kg): 63 kg
Country: France / 33 gironde
Profession: composite aeronautical draper.
Preferred activity: SUP (surf and Race)
Best Tricks: Cut back
Waterman since: 1998.
Other practices: VTT and photography.
Competitions: none
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home Spot: Lacanau and the Cap Ferret peninsula.
Travel Spots: Australia, Indonesia, Morocco, France 85 to 64
Favourite meal: a little bit of everything, I’m not picky.
Favourite music: electro.

Frédéric Huet

Last Name: HUET
First Name: Frédéric
Height:  187cm
Weight: 80kg (77 shredded 83 after the holidays)
Country: Mars (Marseille-France)
Job: Sports podiatrist
Preferred activity:Wing but if that’s all there was…
Best move: Share a session with the buddies.
Waterman since: 1987 at the age of 6 (windsurf/optimist)
Other activities: Surf/Kite/SUP/SnowBoard/SwimRun
Competitions: SwimRun World Cup and World Championship.
Nb of days on the water per year: minimum100 days
Home spot: Marseille (Pointe Rouge/Epluchures Beach)
Travel spots: Les Culs Nuls Hossegor
Favourite meal: Healthy/Veggie overall but sometimes I go for pizza burgers…but rarely.
Favourite music: It will depend on the current mood and the moment, If I’m angry it’s “Rock90′” or “Tomorrowland” runride style If I’m relaxing like having drinks with friends.

Benjamin Ruffin

First Name: Benjamin
Height: 1m72
Weight: 88Kg
Country: France / 17 Charente maritime
Job: prothésiste dentaire
Preferred activity: kite
Best move: roller
Waterman since: the age of 8
Other activities: VTT, squash
Competitions: no, it’s not my thing
Nb of days on the water per year: a hundred
Home spot: aytre / chatelaillon
Travel spots: la torche, ile de ré
Favourite meal: Carbonara pasta / pizza calzone / sushis
Favourite music: definitely rock + PJ Harvey

Sébastien Caruso

Last Name: CARUSO
First Name: Sébastien
Height (m):
Weight (Kg):
Country: France / 83 Var
Preferred activity: SUP
Best Tricks:
Waterman since: a very young age
Other practices: surf, windsurf, skate, VTT.
Nb of days on the water per year: as soon as possible
Home Spot: The med, Var spots
Travel Spots:
Favourite meal:
Favourite music:

François Cholet

Last Name: CHOLET
First Name: François
Height (m): 1,76
Weight (Kg): 85 kg
Country: France / 85 Vendée
Profession: sales representative converted into a truck driver “without GPS”.
Preferred discipline: SUPsurfing
Best Tricks: the smile on the water
Waterman since: 2000
Other practices: surf , longboard, wakeboard , snowboard,
to go and take the “tradition”… , and the dancefloors !!!!!
Competitions: zero
Nb of days on the water per year:as soon as I can, 150 to 200 days.
Home Spot: South vendée
Travel Spots: Dominican Republic, Morocco, Maldives, South West and South East France…
Favourite meal: my wife’s tuna pie, a delight!
Favourite music: house, rock electro, ragga reggae

Olivier Letartre

First Name: Olivier
Height: 1m83
Weight: 75Kg
Country: France / 83 Var
Job: Pharmacy preparator, arborist climber, beekeeper
Preferred disicpline: SUP.
Best move:
Waterman since: 1987
Other activities: Snowboard, ski,VTT, trail, bodyboard
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: as often as possible
Home spot: Le P’tit port (around Hyères)
Travel spots: Landes, Basque Country, Maros, Reunion Island, Guadeloupe.
Favourite meal: Rhum & Bio
Favourite music: Ben Harper, Jack Johnson.

Mathieu Wozniak

Last Name: WOZNIAK
First Name: Mathieu
Height: 1m70
Weight: 73Kg
Country: France / between Hendaye and Dunkirk
Job: Quality coordinator
Preferred activity: go to the beach
Best move: straight down the line!
Waterman sn-ince: 2004
Other activities: skateboarder in semi-retirement, Sunday BBQ expert
Competitions: not for me
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home spot: between Hendaye and Dunkirk
Travel spots: between Hendaye and Dunkirk
Favourite meal: chipirons on the plancha
Favourite music: Dead Kennedys

Magnus Wengelin

First Name: Magnus
Height: 1m79
Weight: 64Kg
Country: Sweden / Haverdal
Job: Strategic planning & organisational development
Preferred activity: Stand-up paddling or windsurfing depending on conditions
Best move: Windsurfing waveriding and SUPergliding
Waterman since: 1987
Other activities: Mountainbiking and downhill off-slopes telemark skiing
Competitions: Why compete? Just surf and be happy!
Nb of days on the water per year: 80
Home spot: Vilsharad, Swest coast of Sweden
Travel spots: Maui, Caribbean, Denmark, Gironde France
Favourite meal: Sea food (fresh fish)
Favourite music: Bob Hund, The Soundtrack of our lives

Gregory Treger

Last Name: TREGER
First Name: Grégory
Height: 1m80
Weight: 68Kg
Country: France / 76 Normandie
Job: Sports physiotherapist
Preferred activity: Surf, Kite
Best move: Roller, noseride
Waterman since: more than 25 years
Other activities: all gliding sports
Competitions: why ? waverider
Nb of days on the water per year: as often as possible
Home spot: Normandie
Travel spots: Hawaï, Indonesia, South Africa, Galice, canaries
Favourite meal: Spicy food
Favourite music: Rock

Yann Picard

Last Name: PICARD
First Name: Yann
Height: 1m78
Weight: 60 kg
Country: France / 29 Finistère sud
Job: Physiotherapist
Preferred activity: SUP, Windsurf
Best move: open a beer on the spot with the mates after a session
Waterman since: always
Other activities: Running, bodyboard, wakeboard, boat, foot…
Competitions: 0
Nb of days on the water per year: at least once a week
Home spot: Southern britanny
Travel spots: Atlantique Coast
Favourite meal: Breton cuisine
Favourite music: a bit of everything

Guillaume Sorton

Last Name: SORTON
First Name: Guillaume
Height: 1m75
Weight: 67Kg
Country: France / 17 charente maritime
Job: Teacher
Preferred activity: surf
Best move: Hang Ten
Waterman since: 25 years
Other activities: Cycling (for going to work), running, swimming, …
Competitions: Why?
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home spot: Oléron
Travel spots: Santa Cruz, landes, Basque Country.
Favourite meal: the ones from my garden
Favourite music: Rock ‘n roll, pop.

Matthieu Philippe

First Name: Matthieu
Height: 1m85
Weight: 78Kg
Country: France / 51 Marne
Job: Air Traffic Controller
Preferred activity: snowboard
Best move: triple Lutz planted
Waterman since: 10 years
Other activities: SUP, kite, surf, running, VTT
Competitions :
Nb of days on the water per year: 70
Home spot: North
Travel spots: South
Favourite meal: chocolate mousse
Favourite music: Laurie… and rock.

Pierre Strzerzynski

First Name: Pierre
Height: 1m85
Weight: Heavy
Country: France / 72-85
Job: Geologist
Preferred activity: going in the water
Best move: get out of the water undamaged
Waterman since: 2003
Other activities: snowboard
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: 80
Home spot: South Vendée
Travel spots: Canaries, Brasil.
Favourite meal: Sushi
Favourite music: a lot.

Gaetan Delerue

Last Name: DELERUE
First Name: Gaetan
Height (m): 1,81
Weight (Kg): 76 kg
Country: France / 76 Seine maritime
Profession: Sports teacher
Preferred activities: kite, SUP, waveski, surf.
Best Tricks: in kite: backloop in surf backside. In SUP: cutback re-entry. In waveski: aerial. In surf: tube.
In funboard: pushloop.
Waterman since: 1986.
Other practices: kayak (instructor), badminton, running, VTT.
Competitions : waveski (france team from 1989 to 1996).
Nb of days on the water per year:  between 70 and 130
Home Spot: Fécamp and Veulettes sur mer.
Travel Spots: South West France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Corsica, Sardinia, Denmark, Ireland, French West Indies,
Canary Islands, Australia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, New Caledonia.
Favourite meal: serious chocolate lover !!! Otherwise a little bit of everything. And I’m a fan of orange juice…and beer !
Favourite music: a little bit of everything too, I’m quite eclectic. As long as there is a real melody and a real voice..

Luca Petrosino

First Name: Luca_bcn
Height: 1m74
Weight: 70 kg
Country: Spain / Barcelona
Job: IT manager
Preferred activity: SUP, Windsurf
Best move: Roller, floater
Waterman since: 1999
Other activities: Bike
Competitions: yes locally
Nb of days on the water per year: 200
Home spot: Badalona (Barcelona)
Travel spots: Canary islands, and around Spain.
Favourite meal: Fish, meat and pasta, and pizza obviously
Favourite music: All kind of music but before to hit the water Hip hop, Rap, rock

Flavien Hilaire

Last Name: HILAIRE
First Name: Flavien
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Country: France / 44 Loire atlantique
Job: N/A
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: N/A
Waterman since: as a kid, starting with windsurfing, SUP since 2010
Other activities: windsurf
Nb of days on the water per year: often
Home spot: Southern Loire and Charente.
Travel spots: Jordanie, Srilanka
Favourite meal: N/A
Favourite music: N/A

Jean Perrot

Last Name: PERROT
First Name: Jean
Height (m): 1,84
Weight (Kg) -: 81
Country: France / 13
Profession: Professor of games and boards at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of Marseille
Preferred discipline: Surf
Best Tricks: sink roller
Waterman since: 1981
Other activities: Ski, sports co, tennis
Competitions: One per year
Nb of days on the water per year: at least 100
Home Spot: Epluchures Beach, Sormiou, Morgiou,
Travel Spots: La Ciotat, L’Arène, Les Lecques,
Favourite meal: seafood, tuna marinated in the guétharienne,
Favourite music: Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead ,,,pop rock

Jules Sauvourel

First Name: Jules
Height: 1,68 m
Weight: 58 kg
Country: France
Job: Student
Preferred activity: Surf
Best Move: Carve
Waterman since: Summer 2017
Other activities: Skate and VTT
Competitions: active in Charente Maritime
Nb of days on the water per year: 200
Home Spot: Courance
Travel Spots: Azores, New Caledonia
Favourite meal: burgers
Favourite music: Flume Moun holiday

Michael Parnaut

Last Name: PARNAUT
First Name: Michael
Height: 1m75
Weight: 81Kg
Country: France / 64
Job: chef/manager
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: big take off
Waterman since: 1995
Other activities: Golf
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: 50/70
Home spot: sainte barbe saint jean de luz
Travel spots:
Favourite meal: anything but insects
Favourite music: Heavy

Laurent Sézac

Last Name: SEZAC
First Name: Laurent
Height: 1m73
Weight: 85Kg
Country: France / 85
Job: University professor
Preferred activity: windsurf
Best move: surf frontside
Waterman since: 25 years
Other activities: SUP, VTT
Competitions: NO
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home spot: Les Sables d’Olonne
Travel spots: none.
Favourite meal: steak French fries
Favourite music: hard rock.

Jean-Denis Mouchon

Last Name: MOUCHON
First Name: Jean-Denis
Height: 1m72
Weight: 69Kg
Country: France / 06
Job: SUP renting
Preferred activity: surf, SUP surf, and downwind
Best move: Noseride
Waterman since: In the water and on boards from a very young age
Other activities: SUP Race, snowboard, running, longskate, scuba diving
Competitions: PACA SUP RACE championship, Open SUP of Lyon, SUP RACE French championship
Nb of days on the water per year: close to 300 now
Home spot: Antibes – la tour spot
Travel spots: Thaïlande, Corsica, Landes, Basque Country.
Favourite meal: Shepherd’s Pie
Favourite music: everything from Dalida to AC/DC.

Christophe Seillier

First Name: Christophe
Height: 1m73
Weight: 72Kg
Country: France / 56 Morbihan
Job: Financier (comme le gâteau)
Preferred activity: windsurf, surf
Best move: frontloop, backloop, table top, aerial, cutback, hang five, floater
Waterman since: 1985 (optimist counts)
Other activities: SUP, catamaran, scuba diving, wake, kite
horse riding, climbing (yes I have a job)
Competitions: In my youth in windsurf and catamaran
Nb of days on the water per year: more than 100
Home spot: Gâvres, Guidel, Quiberon, Erdeven, Thoulars, La Torche to Penfoul
Travel spots: Alaska, Indonesia, Borneo, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Egypt….
Favourite meal: South East Asian cuisine and profiteroles
Favourite music: all kinds of music, depends on the place and the moment.
Currently special mention for GRIZ !!!

Ralf Schultz

Last Name: SCHULTZ
First Name: Ralf
Height: 1m82
Weight: 84Kg
Country: Allemagne
Job: h2o-tours.com / ski & snowboard
Preferred activity: Kite, SUP, Ski, Snow
Best move: Schorlegewitter
Waterman since: Tom named me that
Othar activities: Swimming, vtt
Competitions: If I can avoid it – no. Big exception: The famous Kalmit-Klapprad-Cup, that’s something!
Nb of days on the water per year:  hmmmm, I think not enough
Home spot: Sardinia, North Shore et… Der Altrhein
Travel spots: Sardinia, everywhere in France, Hawaii, Brazil N/E.
Favourite meal: Tuna Steak and Pasta of my friend Beppe
Favourite music: The Vibromatics and the Mix of my friend Yannick.

Pierre Sauret

Last Name: SAURET
First Name: Pierre
Height: 1m78
Weight: 85Kg
Country: France / 34
Job: Dir Commercial
Preferred activity: longboard (SUP & Surf)
Best move: free diving…
Waterman since: Always
Other activities: sailing, ski, snowboard, cycling, PTM (flippers snorkel diving mask)
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: 50 to 100 depends on the year
Home spot: Palavas (Surf club: PASC)
Travel spots: Mediterranean, Basque Country.
Favourite meal: Stuffed mussels
Favourite music: Trip Hop, Electro, Blues/Rock 70’ .

Vincent Lucas

Last Name: LUCAS
First Name: Vincent
Height: 1m81
Weight: 94Kg
Country: France / 14 Calvados
Job: In transport sector
Preferred activity: SUP, surf
Best move: Floater, roller
Waterman since: 1989
Other activities: Windsurfing at my beginnings, speed-sail, sailing, wake, snow
Competitions: nada
Nb of days on the water per year: As soon as everything is there!
Home spot: Cotentin
Travel spots: Breizh, Landes, Euskadi.
Favourite meal: prime rib…
Favourite music: hyper diverse.

François Salmon

Last Name: SALMON
First Name: François
Height: 1m73
Weight: 70Kg
Country: France / 35 Ille et Vilaine
Job: Electrician
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: Basics
Waterman since: 1 year
Other activities: Snowboard, Longboard, drone
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home spot: Canals around Rennes and Saint Malo.
Travel spots: a bit everywhere I go.
Favourite meal: a little bit of everything.
Favourite music: electronic music.

Julien Reymondet

First Name: Julien
Height: 1m72
Weight: 76 kg without flip flops
Country: France / 85
Job: Eco-construction
Activité préférée : Surf & SUP
Best move: Flying Noseride
Waterman since : 1996
Autres activités : Kayak, Skate, Longskate, Sailing, Snow
Competitions: total Free Rider
Nb of days on the water per year: 150
Home spot: Northern Vendée
Travel spots: from the Breton coast to the Basque coast.
Favourite meal: Anything that can contain cheese and as long as it is in large quantities …
Favourite music: Electro, HardRock, PunkRock, Rap Oldschool…

Eric Rose

Last Name: ROSE
First Name: Eric
Height: 1m93
Weight: 92Kg
Country: Belgique
Job: Air Traffic Controller Assistant at the Belgian Air Force
Preferred activity: SUP
Waterman since: 1985
Other activities: Swimming, Badminton, Skateboard, Cycling, Running, Trail,Tennis, Motocycle.
Competitions : yes (the first was the 17th of December 2017 at Namur)
Nb of days on the water per year: Around 100
Home spot: Meuse between Dinant and Liège, Lacs of l’Eau doHeure, Lac of Butchenbach
Travel spots: Le Touquet, Côte d’Opale
Favourite meal: Pasta …
Favourite music: Rock, Soul, French songs.

Kristofer Loriol

Last Name: LORIOL
First Name: Kristofer
Height: 1m73
Weight: 95Kg
Country : Etats-Unis / New York City – Long Island
Job: Accountant
Preferred activity: SUP, Wing, Foil
Best move: SUP on a rough lake
Waterman since: 2011
Other activities: Kitesurf, Offroad Driving
Competitions: Swiss Alpine Ski Team
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home spot: Long Beach, Ponquogue Beach
Travel spots: France, Suisse
Favourite meal: Cheese Fondue or Raclette
Favourite music:Anything, as long as it makes you move your body…

Antoine Leroux

Last Name: LEROUX
First Name: Antoine
Height: 1m72
Weight: 78Kg
Country: Sénégal
Job: Sales Manager
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: N/A
Waterman since: 1986
Other activities: Ski, windsurf, golf
Competitions: Ski
Nb of days on the water per year: more than 100
Home spot: Secret (Sénégal)
Travel spots: Messanges.
Favourite meal: Chicken
Favourite music: N/A

Valery Le Bonnec

Last Name: LE BONNEC
First Name: Valery
Height: 1m80
Weight: 80Kg
Country: France / 73 Savoie
Job: Senior Education Advisor
Preferred activity: SUP, surf
Best move: Floater
Waterman since: always
Other activities: trails, triathlon, run and sup, swim run
Competitions: a few every year
Nb of days on the water per year: about 20
Home spot: bourget Lake, Etel (56) on holidays
Travel spots: Reunion island before sharks
Favourite meal: Chicken Carri
Favourite music: rock, pop, movie music

Stefan Krenn

Last Name: KRENN
First Name: Stefan
Height: 1m71
Weight: 68Kg
Country: Austria / Vienna
Job: Student, windsurf and SUP instructor
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: bottom tun and cutback
Waterman since: 2001, SUP since 2013
Other activities: windsurf, snowboard, skate, cooking
Competitions: not yet
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home spot: Danube river, Neusiedel Lake
Travel spots: Cape town, Sri lanka, Indonesia, tenerife, Portugal, crete…
Favourite meal: seafood and steaks.
Favourite music: rock, hiphop, classic, electronic.

Hervé Laborieux

First Name: Hervé
Height: 1m73
Weight: 83Kg
Country: France / 85
Job: Osteopath
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: the paddle throwing
Waterman since: 1980
Other activities: spirituals
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: 60 ??
Home spot: Sauveterrre
Travel spots: Fuerteventura – Tenerife
Favourite meal: carry.
Favourite music: Simple Minds.

Pierre Laguette

First Name: Pierre
Height: 1m86
Weight: 75Kg
Country: France / Cotentin-Calvados
Job: Medical student
Preferred activity: surfing on spot with reef
Best move: Tube
Waterman since: 2017
Other activities: SUP Race, climbing, snowboard, skate, kayak, slackline, trail
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: every day if there are good conditions
Home spot: Cotentin
Travel spots: Tahiti, lacanau, Britanny
Favourite meal: To live of love, fruits and fresh water.
Favourite music: Landon Mc Namara

Christian Hallgren

First Name: Christian
Height: 1m80
Weight: 82Kg
Country: Sweden
Job: Project manager
Preferred activity: Windsurfing & SUP
Best move: Backloop
Waterman since:
Other activities: Windsurf, kite, surf, snowkite, kitewing
Nb of days on the water per year: 80
Home spot: Torö, Stockholm.
Travel spots: Maui, Portugal, Cape town, Denmark
Favourite meal: Meat.
Favourite music: French electronic pop.

Philippe Jarreau

Last Name: JARREAU
First Name: Philippe
Height: 1m85
Weight: 75Kg
Country: France / 75
Job: honorary university professor & manager of Cristal Productions
Preferred activity: wave riding with a sail and a stand up paddle
Best move: bottom and big top turn
Waterman since: it’s been ages: 1981
Other activities: tennis, running, swimming, cycling
Nb of days on the water per year: never enough
Home spot: Ho’okipa and the Almanarre and its surroundings.
Travel spots: The list is long and therefore pretentious
Favourite meal: Grilled Ono and Japanese rice.
Favourite music: Blues Rock and Jazz.

Arthur Habudzik

First Name: Arthur
Height: 1m80
Weight: 85Kg
Country: France / 17 charente-maritime
Job: Student
Preferred activity: SUP
Best move: aerial
Waterman since: the age of 5
Other activities: golf, kite, surf, windsurf
Competitions: gironde championship, french cup
Nb of days on the water per year: about 100
Home spot: Oleron and Lacanau.
Travel spots: Bali
Favourite meal: Nasigoreng.
Favourite music: Wonderwall.

Bertrand Gune

Last Name: GUNE
First Name: Bertrand
Height: 1m76
Weight: 79Kg
Country: France / 17 Charente Maritime
Job: sedentary sales representative
Preferred activity: surfing
Best move: snap
Waterman since: 1988
Other activities: fat bike / road
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: as much as possible
Home spot Le phare.
Travel spots: Morocco, Spain, Ireland, Senegal
Favourite meal: Chia seed.
Favourite music: Fela kuti.

Cédric Fontenelle

First Name: Cédric
Height: 1m79
Weight: 80Kg
Country: France / 76 Seine-maritime
Job: engineer (automotive industry)
Preferred activity: freeride in général (Cycling, kitesurf, SUP,…)
Best move: diving (acrobatic or not)
Waterman since: 2012 in kite, 2014 in SUP
Other activities: Crossfit, mountain bike, motorbike (road and enduro), soap box
Competitions: not for the moment, maybe in the future in race.
Nb of days on the water per year: 25/30
Home spot: Saint Aubin sur mer, Franceville, Le Crotoy.
Travel spots: Baie du François – Martinique.
Favourite meal: pizza or BBQ with friends.
Favourite music: quite eclectic (from AC/DC to Calvin Harris).

Julien Flechet

First Name: Julien
Height: 1m75
Weight: 58Kg
Country: France / 29 Finistère
Job: Student
Preferred activity: Windsurf
Best move: Backloop, re entry, roller
Waterman since: 2006
Other activities: Surf, SUP
Competitions: Windsurf in waves
Nb of days on the water per year: more often in the water than on land, 3/4 sessions per week outside holiday periods.
Home spot: Ile aux vaches.
Travel spots: Canaries island, Morocco, Spain.
Favourite meal: Breton galettes
Favourite music: all kind of music.

Jean-Philippe Flechet

Last Name: FLECHET
First Name: Jean-Philippe
Height: 1m80
Weight: 80Kg
Country: France / 29 Finistère
Job: Sports teacher, Hotsails Maui distributor in France
Preferred activity: Windsurf
Best move: Backloop, roller
Waterman since: 1983
Other activities: Surf, SUP, Cycling, climbing, tennis
Competitions: Windsurf in waves
Nb of days on the water per year: more often in the water than on land, 3/4 sessions per week outside holiday periods.
Home spot: Audierne Bay.
Travel spots: Canaries island, Morocco, Spain.
Favourite meal: a tasty couscous after a session.
Favourite music: Rock/Reggae.

Christophe Dufour

Last Name: DUFOUR
First Name: Christophe
Height (m): 1,85
Weight (Kg): 80 kg
Country: France / 62 Pas de Calais
Profession: commercial in offset printing
Preferred activity: go on the water
Best Tricks: backloop in windsurf and kite
Waterman since: more than 30 years!
Other practices: Musician
Competitions: fini
Nb of days on the water per year: at least 100.
Home Spot: Malo les bains (59), Wissant (62).
Travel Spots: Fuerteventura
Favourite meal: Pâtes
Favourite music: rock

Alain Enault

Last Name: ENAULT
First Name: Alain
Height: 1m88
Weight: 77 kgs
Country: Spain / Costa Brava
Job: Operations Research Commercial
Preferred activity: SUP – Windsurf
Best move: Teaching pretty girls to go on the water
Waterman since: 1974
Other activities: Mountain bike, ski
Competitions: veteran Formula Windsurfing races
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home spot: Pals
Travel spots: Portugal, Galice, Southern West of France
Favourite meal: Lamb curry and a good wine, with friends.
Favourite music: Acid jazz, bossanova

Michel Dijoux

Last Name: DIJOUX
First Name: Michel
Height (m): 1,93
Weight (Kg): 92 kg
Country: France / 33 Gironde
Profession: logistics agent
Preferred activity: Surf, SUP.
Best Tricks: bottom turn.
Waterman since: 28 years of gliding.
Other practices: jogging, cycling, and ah yes family life though.
Competitions: nada.
Nb of days on the water per year: around 200 days
Home Spot: Hourtin (Gironde).
Travel Spots: The Reunion Island (this is my home town), Euskadi, Portugal, Oleron, Landes
Favourite meal: a chicken carri.
Favourite music: jimmy Hendrix and maloya.

Jérôme Deletre

Last Name: DELETRE
First Name: Jérôme
Height (m): 1,81
Weight (Kg): 80 kg
Country: France / 62 Pas-de-calais
Profession: engineer
Preferred activity: everything to do with water.
Best Tricks: High splash.
Waterman since: 1995.
Other practices: kite, windsurf, wakeboard, surf, SUP.
Competitions: Not anymore since I lost …
Nb of days on the water per year: we try to keep to a hundred or so
Home Spot: Berck / Merlimont / Sangatte.
Travel Spots: Camargue, Brittany.
Favourite meal: the one on my plate.
Favourite music: Rock.

Eric Devaux

Last Name: DEVAUX
First Name: eric
Height (m): 1,75
Weight (Kg): 70 kg
Country: France / 74 Haute-Savoie
Profession: city planner
Preferred activity: SUP, kite, cycling, ski, surf.
Best Tricks: Jibe, bottom.
Waterman since: 1976.
Other practices: yoga, travel, photos.
Competitions: like an old man standing! Annecy Open Race, Alpines lakes tour
(12 races and beach races on the alpine lakes.
Nb of days on the water per year: 120 to 150
Home Spot: Annecy Lake.
Travel Spots: La Baule, presqu’ile de Giens, Cabarete, Jericocacoara, Safaga, El gouna
Favourite meal: chocolate.
Favourite music: all of them, but especially pop rock.

Arnaud Bertin Leccia

First Name: Arnaud
Height: 1,85 m
Weight: 78 kg
Country: France / 74 Haute Savoie
Job: Photographer
Preferred activity: SUP, Family picnic
Best Move:
Waterman since: very little
Other activities: hiking, snowboard, climbing, swimming, mountain bike
Competitions: Open race Annecy
Nb of days on the water per year: 80 to 100
Home Spot: Annecy Lake
Travel Spots: Corsica (Calvi)
Favourite meal: everything that can be cooked…or not
Favourite music: rock, pop, electro jazz

Olivier Comazzi

Last Name: COMAZZI
First Name: Olivier
Height (m): 1,68
Weight (Kg): 69 kg
Country: France / 74 Haute Savoie
Profession: Nurse
Preferred discipline: SUP
Best Tricks:
Waterman since: 5 years
Other practices: Mountain bike, surf, snow, skate, triathlon
Competitions: 2017 alpine lake tour + local races
Nb of days on the water per year: more or less 100/150.
Home Spot: Léman Lake, Montreux, Vevey, also the Moselle
Travel Spots: South and South West
Favourite meal: salad
Favourite music: everything and much more

Thomas Chaise

Last Name: CHAISE
First Name: Thomas
Height (m): 1,78
Weight (Kg): 72 kg
Country: France / 76 Seine-Maritime
Profession: independent laboratory manager
Preferred discipline: kitesurf, surf
Best Tricks: aerial reentry
Waterman since: always
Other practices: SUP, kitefoil, snowboard, windsurf, kayak, skate, waveski, capoeira, Mountain bike
Competitions: Longboard (Normandy champion several times), waveki (french team 2003)
Nb of days on the water per year: 50-100.
Home Spot: Quiberville sur mer
Travel Spots: Morocco, Guadeloupe, Maldives, Ireland, Spain, UK, all French spots
Favourite meal: fruits and vegetables
Favourite music: reggae, rock, deep house, but also many other things

Jérôme Cluzeau

Last Name: CLUZEAU
First Name: Jérôme
Height (m): 1,68
Weight (Kg): 65 kg
Country: France / 06 Alpes-maritimes
Profession: Head of Control Department
Preferred discipline: SUP Cruising and SUP surf
Best Tricks: pagayer !
Waterman since: has been immersed in water since childhood but SUP for 4 years now
Other practices: skateboarding, skiing, diving, free diving, canyoning, pirogue.
Competitions: no!
Nb of days on the water per year: 80.
Home Spot  Cap d’Antibes
Travel Spots: Basque Country
Favourite meal: everything!
Favourite music: good old rock

Pierre-Marie Campart

Last Name: CAMPART
First Name: Pierre-marie
Height (m): 1,75
Weight (Kg): 90 kg
Country: France / 56 Morbihan
Profession: territorial agent
Preferred activity: SUP : downwind, surf, and family walks.
Best Tricks: nose and roller.
Waterman since: very young
Other practices: motorbike.
Competitions: never.
Nb of days on the water per year: as soon as possible
Home Spot: Mane gwen.
Travel Spots: spots of the Crozon peninsula
Favourite meal: beers.
Favourite music: world music.

Raynald Breloin

Last Name: BRELOIN
First Name: Raynald
Height (m): 1,74
Weight (Kg): 76 kg
Country: France / 33 Gironde
Profession: independent nurse.
Preferred activity: SUP, surf.
Best Tricks:
Waterman since: 1985.
Other practices: funboard, snowboard, skateboard, wakeboard.
Competitions: no.
Nb of days on the water per year:a fair hundred depending on the conditions.
Home Spot: Biscarosse.
Travel Spots: Hourtin, le Porge, Basque Coast, Maldives, Sri lanka
Favourite meal: French gastronomy of the south west.
Favourite music: a bit of everything.

François Boutier

Last Name: BOUTIER
First Name: François
Height (m): 1,74
Weight (Kg): 70 kg
Country: France / 85/44
Profession: sailor.
Preferred activity: SUP/surf
Best Tricks: KGB in kite
Waterman since : 16 years.
Other practices: kite wake and windsurf.
Competitions: before 😉
Nb of days on the water per year: 100
Home Spot: La tranche sur mer and Pont Mahé.
Travel Spots: Nouméa
Favourite meal: pasta.
Favourite music: reggae.

Damien Brard

Last Name: BRARD
First Name: Damien
Height (m): 1,70
Weight (Kg): 65 kg
Country: France / 66 Pyrénées orientales
Profession: home oxygen therapy delivery/installer.
Activité préférée : SUP/surf
Best Tricks: Braveheart
Waterman since: 10 years.
Other practices: rugby, ski touring, vespa.
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: 1 à 2 fois par semaine
Home Spot: Canet en roussillon and all the 66 depending on conditions.
Travel Spots: Bali, Lanzarote, Carcans, Basque Country (twice a year by van)
Favourite meal: pizza.
Favourite music: reggae.

François-Xavier Bonnefous

First Name: François-Xavier
Height (m): 1,88
Weight (Kg): 77 kg
Country: France / 64 Pays Basque
Profession: quality controller for weather forecasters.
Preferred activity: do-it-yourself
Best Tricks: backside splash re-entry
Waterman since: recently.
Other practices: windsurf, surf, kite.
Competitions: 4th French surfkite championship 2014, 2 Aquitaine championship 2015.
Nb of days on the water per year: 150 maybe?
Home Spot: Basque Country.
Travel Spots: Southern Landes.
Favourite meal: kig ha farz.
Favourite music: the sound of the waves on the sand, the soft music of the wind in the trees.

Max Bottura

Last Name: BOTTURA
First Name: Max
Height (m): 1,88
Weight (Kg): 65 kg
Country: Italy
Profession: living off the water!
Preferred activity: SUP cruising
Best Tricks:
Waterman since: 1986 !
Other practices: SupRace, SupSurf, SurfKite, PaddleSkate, SurfSkate, shaper, travelling in a van, reading, writing, drawing with AutoCad
Competitions: freerider and European amateur gatherings
Nb of days on the water per year: 80/100 depending on luck and health!
Home Spot: Garda Lake, Italy
Travel Spots: Sardinia, Sicily, Mediterranean France (my wife is from Marseille), Morocco, Tunisia, Tarifa, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Cuba, Brasil, Mauritius, Egypt, Zanzibar, Gwada, Boa Vista…
Favourite meal: vegan… and sweet!
Favourite music: electronic (Daft Punk, Vitalic, Royksopp, Gorillaz, Moroder…)

Stéphane Bodet

Last Name: BODET
First Name: Stéphane
Height (m): 1,85
Weight (Kg): 82 kg
Country: France / 971 Guadeloupe
Profession: jurist.
Preferred activity: the glide on all supports!
Best Tricks: hang loose
Waterman since: 1989 (lifeguard at sea).
Other practices: SUP, SUPfoil, Surfoil, Prone, pirogue, bodysurf
Competitions: Molokai, Ze Race (SUP and pirogue), and soon downwind foil I hope
Nb of days on the water per year: 180 (I have to work a little).
Home Spot: les Alizés, anse Salabouelle (Le Moule).
Travel Spots: Australia, Hawaii, Basque Coast
Favourite meal: Prime Rib and Tomato Mozza
Favourite music: Gorillaz, Isaac Delusion

David Blomme

Last Name: BLOMME
First Name: David
Height (m): 1,78
Weight (Kg): 70 kg
Country: Belgium
Profession: Psychologist.
Preferred activity: SUP
Best Tricks: wipe-out
Waterman since: 1989.
Other practices: cycling, and a lot of windsurfing in my youth.
Competitions: no.
Nb of days on the water per year: I don’t count, never enough!
Home Spot: Blankenberge.
Travel Spots: BZH
Favourite meal: a little bit of everything.
Favourite music: a lot.

Mariano Billet

Last Name: BILLET
First Name: Mariano
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Country: Italy
Job: Architect
Preferred activity: Surfing of course !
Best move: snap, roller, floater.
Waterman since: 1982… time flies.
Other activities: Longboard, Windsurf, Wing Tjun, Snowboard.
Competitions: no.
Nb of days on the water per year: Hopefully more than 100 sessions per year!
Home spot: Nutria Point @ Marina di Carrara, Toscana.
Travel spots: Basque Country, Spain, Portugal, Canarias, Morocco, Bali, Oregon, Kenya, Corsica.
Favourite meal: Taglierini in beans and tordelli
Favourite music: All kind of music, Black Sabbath & hard rock first.

Geoffrey Barbati

Last Name: BARBATI
First Name: Geoffrey
Height: 1,92 m
Weight: 98 kg
Country: France / 83 Var
Job: Podiatrist
Preferred activity: Surf + SUP !
Best Move: noseride
Waterman since: 2000
Other activities: Rugby, running, spearfishing
Competitions: I don’t like
Nb of days on the water per year: unfortunately not enough
Home Spot: Saint cyr les Lecques
Travel Spots: Corsica, Run, Sardinia, Basque Country/Landes, Canaries
Favourite meal: Bolonese Spaghetti
Favourite music: almost everything except r’ and bidule

Marcel Van Bruggen

First Name: Marcel
Height: 1m92
Weight: 90Kg
Country: Netherlands
Job: Air Traffic Controller
Preferred activity: all water sports
Best move: I’m working on it
Waterman since: 2006
Other activities: chi-running, indoor rowing / fitness in my attic, living as healthy as possible (wine included)
Competitions: against myself only
Nb of days on the water per year: between 40 and 50 per year and it’s increasing.
Home spot: IJmuiderslag. Zandvoort
Travel spots: Any spot with sun and wind.
Favourite meal: sushi and pork ribs!
Favourite music: 80’s & 90’s

Maxime Tancons

Last Name: TANCONS
First Name: Maxime
Height: 1m87
Weight: 83Kg
Country: France / 06 Alpes maritime
Job: Air Traffic Controller
Preferred activity: Kite, SUP
Best move: Losing the board at the take off on a big kite jump
Shove in the Sup after a late take off
Waterman since: Almost forever
Other activities: Skiing, Krav Maga, guitar, piano
Competitions: Not in gliding sports
Nb of days on the water per year: between 50 and 100
Home spot: Cannes Palm Beach
Travel spots: L’Almanarre, Dakhla, Costa Rica, Wissant.
Favourite meal: a good grilled fish with rice and sea view
Favourite music:I like all styles, to listen and to play, impossible answer.

Cyril Torond

First Name: Cyril
Height: 1m78
Weight: 87Kg
Country: France / 33/40
Job: Telecom network/security engineering
Preferred activity: Glide on all supports
Best move: Dark Slide Kiteloop + Frontside Bottom turn
Waterman since: Baby, swimmer at 18 years old, Kite since 2007, SUP since 2015
Other activities: Ski Freeride + Snowboard + Pilates + RPM
Competitions: Free activities
Nb of days on the water per year: As far as conditions allow!
Home spot: Bassin d’Arcachon/Biscarrosse (actually all the 33 and 40)
Travel spots: Pont Mahé, Tarifa/Cadiz (Spain), Lecce (Italy), Martinique , Safaga (Egypt)
Favourite meal: Watermelon, Rice in all recipes
Favourite music: Ai no corrida (Quincy Jones) / Summer Of The Occult (Seven Lions) / I feel it coming (The Weeknd, when I’m in the toilet lol).

Sébastien Taleux

Last Name: TALEUX
First Name: Sébastien
Height: 1m86
Weight: 90Kg
Country: France / 76 Normandie
Preferred activity: water sports
Best move: Noseride and big roller in kite
Waterman since: 1983
Other activities: cycling, motorbike Harley Davidson
Competitions: France bodysurf 2008
Nb of days on the water per year: at least 150
Home spot: The Havre
Travel spots: All of France, new Caledonia.
Favourite meal: pasta
Favourite music: everything

Mathias Save de Beaurecueil

First Name: Mathias
Height: 1m82
Weight: 84Kg
Country: France / 13 Bouches du Rhône
Job: key account manager
Preferred activity: being in the water with toys
Best move: gliding on the water
Waterman since: 20 years
Other activities: kite, SUP, surf, windsurf, wake, quad, snow, ski
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: more than 200
Home spot: Cassis
Travel spots: Les landes
Favourite meal: everything
Favourite music: Tiesto

Thierry Nicaud

Last Name: NICAUD
First Name: Thierry
Height: 1m72
Weight: 74Kg
Country: France / 50
Job: Sports teacher
Preferred activity: kite, sup surf
Best move: hangtime
Waterman since: my 18th birthday in windsurf
Other activities: judo, running, bodybuilding, snowboard
Competitions: judo
Nb of days on the water per year: once a week on average
Home spot: Collignon, Cherbourg (50)
Travel spots: Egypt, Rhodes
Favourite meal: pasta
Favourite music: kizomba

Nicolas Meline

Last Name: MELINE
First Name: Nicolas
Height: 1m76
Weight: 71Kg
Country: France / 76 seine Maritime
Job: Teacher
Preferred activity: kite, surf, and SUP
Best move: bacloop kiteloop and carved rollers in surfkite
Waterman since: start in windsurfing in 90′.
Other activities: longskate
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: 1 to 3 sessions per week
Home spot: The Havre.
Travel spots: Oléron/Ré/fNothern Finistère/cotentin
Favourite meal: everything that comes out of the short tracks, less intermediaries = + quality: like the red boards !!!
Favourite music: varied, from classical to hip hop, including the Californian garage.

Romain Gerber

Last Name: GERBER
First Name: Romain
Height: 1m80
Weight: 68Kg
Country: New Caledonia / Noumea
Job: orthodontist
Preferred activity: kite
Waterman since: 2008
Other activities: wakeboard, skate
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: a lot, at least 3 times a week
Home spot: Pornichet but New Caledonia since 2014.
Travel spots: Rhodes, fuerteventura, Australia, fidji
Favourite meal: BBQ.
Favourite music: Daft punk.

Pierre-Emmanuel Feuillet

First Name: Pierre-Emmanuel
Height: 1m93
Weight: 93Kg
Country: France / 56 Morbihan
Job: IT Technician
Preferred activity: Surf-Kite
Best move: Backloop-Kiteloop, no-foot board 360
Waterman since: 90’s
Other activities: Surf, Sailing, Mountain bike, kayak, carpentry
Competitions: Spi Ouest France
Nb of days on the water per year: between 50 and 150 days depending on the year.
Home spot: Morbihan between Etel and Vannes.
Travel spots: Cape Verde, Senegal, Mexico, Ireland, Spain, France, Sailboat with friends (smallest spot in the world).
Favourite meal: Lasagna in the pierem style.
Favourite music: Wax tailor, troublemakers, lost finger’s.

Matthieu Galic

Last Name: GALIC
First Name: Matthieu
Height: 1m83
Weight: 83Kg
Country: France / Tahiti
Job: IT project manager
Preferred activity: kite
Best move: dead man back loop
Waterman since: 1997
Other activities: sup, surf, fishing, mountain bike
Competitions: kite championship in brittany in 2000
Nb of days on the water per year: never enough
Home spot: Quiberon.
Travel spots: Brazil, Mexico, Morocco, Bali, USA, Argentina, Egypt, Easter Island….
Favourite meal: indian food.
Favourite music: daft punk, empire of the sun and anything that sounds like electro.

Eric Desvergnes

First Name: Eric
Height (m): 1,87
Weight (Kg): 91 kg
Country: France / 56 Morbihan
Profession: good-looking man in real estate
Preferred activity: play in the waves.
Best Tricks: The Rough Bulk.
Waterman since: 9 years old
Other practices: surf-kite, sailing, free diving, rugby.
Competitions : SUP Race, and Class 40.
Nb of days on the water per year: 100 to 150
Home Spot: Rhuys peninsula, Sainte Barbe, and Kerhilio.
Travel Spots: Corsicaaaa, Mada, Mauritius, Brazil, Breizh Islands, Costa Rica, Morocco, Cape Verde, Sri Lanka, Hispanola, Gwada….
Favourite meal: Pasta and meats.
Favourite music: rock.

Mathieu Delaporte

First Name: Mathieu
Height (m): 1,82
Weight (Kg): 80 kg
Country: France / 44 Loire atlantique
Profession: blood product distribution technician
Preferred activity: kite.
Best Tricks: backloop
Waterman since: 23 years.
Other practices: volleyball, sailing, cycling, bodyboarding, snowboarding and skiing.
Competitions: teenager sailing on a “western wind”, and since niet.
Nb of days on the water per year: 80
Home Spot: la mine (piriac sur mer).
Travel Spots: Fuerteventura, Britanny
Favourite meal: carbo pasta! and I love Lebanese cuisine.
Favourite music: rock, reggae.

Laurent Dasse

Last Name: DASSE
First Name: Laurent
Height: 1,63 m
Weight: 63 kg
Country: France / 17 Charente-maritime
Job: sports teacher
Preferred activity: SUP and kite
Best Move: a nice spray
Waterman since: very young, swimming certificate at 7 years old, surfing in 1992, kite 2003, SUP 2012
Other activities: climbing, squash, weight training, mountain biking
Competitions: I prefer challenges between friends
Nb of days on the water per year: about 100
Home Spot: Royan for kiteboarding, Pontaillac for surfing
Travel Spots: Portugal, fuerteventura
Favourite meal: a yoghurt with cereals
Favourite music: Anything that sounds like a good video soundtrack

Florent D'Ales

Last Name: D’ALES
First Name: Florent
Height: 1,83 m
Weight: 85 kg
Country: France / 40 Landes
Job: sailor
Preferred activity: Kite, surf, bodysurf, barrels, snow
Best Move: high jump, railey, snap
Waterman since: very young, first step on a single fin at 7 years old
Other activities: freeboard, judo
Competitions: what? with mates, or only at gatherings
Nb of days on the water per year: 50 to ride, and 180 to work on the water
Home Spot: Contis, 40170 Landes
Travel Spots: the world, every ocean
Favourite meal: duck confit, gizzards, Surf & Turf, sugar
Favourite music: Everything, reggae, house, rap, rock, soul

Florent Cameron

Last Name: CAMERON
First Name: Florent
Height (m): 1,75
Weight (Kg): 75 kg
Country: France / 50 Manche
Profession: Pharmacist
Preferred discipline: kite in waves
Best Tricks:
Waterman since: very young
Other practices: boat, bike, hiking, SUP
Competitions: no
Nb of days on the water per year: a hundred
Home Spot: Siouville, Sciotot, Querqueville, Jonville, Quinéville
Travel Spots: Brittany, Morocco, Corsica
Favourite meal: Barbecue grilled sausages
Favourite music: jazz, jazz, and more jazz

Marc Brodiez

Last Name: BRODIEZ
First Name: Marc
Height (m): 1,85
Weight (Kg): 90 kg
Country: France / 33 Gironde
Profession: art teacher
Preferred discipline: kite
Best Tricks: manual
Waterman since: 1990
Other practices: kayaking, bodyboarding, surfing, freediving
Competitions: 2 times world champion in kayak
Nb of days on the water per year: as soon as I can.
Home Spot: Bud bud and Lacanau
Travel Spots: santa cruz (Portugal)
Favourite meal: long cooking such as leg of lamb of 7h and oysters
Favourite music: music without words

Vincent Bonne

Last Name: BONNE
First Name: Vincent
Height (m): 1,82
Weight (Kg): 75 kg
Country: France / 56 Morbihan
Profession: firefighter
Preferred activity: supsurf / kitesurf
Best Tricks: Roller / Backmob
Waterman since: 2002.
Other practices: kite, surf, suprace, wake, snow.
Competitions: no.
Nb of days on the water per year: 100/120.
Home Spot: Quiberon peninsula.
Travel Spots: Mauritius, Martinique, Vendée, Normandy!
Favourite meal: Pasta
Favourite music: Rock, Electro, Classic.

Michael Nentwig

Last Name : Nentwig
First Name : Michael
Height (m) : 187
Weight (kg) : 83
Profession : Teacher
Preferred discipline : Spending time on the water
Best Tricks : Exploring the spots
Waterman since : 1985
Other practices : Spreading
Competitions : “Winger on the sea”
Nb of days on the water per year : ~100
Home Spot : Great Plön Lake / Baltic sea
Travel Spots : Ringkøbing Fjord
Favorite meal : Pasta
Favorite music : U2


Last Name : LAFON
First Name : Enzo
Height (m) : 1m74
Weight (kg) : 56kg
Profession :Carpenter
Discipline preferred : Surfing
Best Tricks :The pear tree
Others practices : DIY, Badmington, Tennis Padel
Competitions : N/A
Nb of day on the water per year : Approximately 150
Home Spot : Saint-Pardon et Biscarosse
Travel Spots : Péniche and Ancorra
Favorite Meal : Lasagna
Favorite préférées : N/A

Alessandro Pierantoni

Last Name: Pierantoni
First Name : Alessandro
Height (m) : 186
Weight (kg) : 75
Profession : Rep
Discipline preferred: having fun in sports and games
Best Tricks : Cutbacks surfing, backside airs on a snowboard
Waterman since : 2008
Other practices : snowboarding, cycling
Competitions : I’ve just competed once, while i was in india on a surfing holiday. Here in Italy the surfing scene is quite poor in terms of competition
Nb of days in the water: All the ones with waves. Offshore or damn on, sunny, snowy. Living on the east coast of Italy, I may say 50/80 home, plus 20/40 on holidays
Home Spot : Marche region (central east coast Italy)
Travel Spots: My favorite is Sri Lanka (i’ve been there 7 times). Then canaries (4 times), Morroco (4 times), Maldives (2 times) and other ones
Favorite Meal : Italian food is for sure great, But I love local food when I  travel, Every bite is a bite of culture
Favorite Music : Indie, Punk Rock, Reggae

Tytouan Le Buhé

Last Name : Le Buhé
First Name :
Height (m) :
Weight (kg) :
87 kg
Profession :
Audiovisual sound / light / video installation technician and stage equipment
Discipline preferred :
Surfing without hesitation but only if a bit big, and nobody in the lineup ! Otherwise surfoil as soon as it’s small and looooong, or wing in the waves – downwind as soon as it blows! 😀
Best Tricks :
Curves, curves and more curves! 😀
Waterman since :intensively! But I took my first steps in surfing as a child, and I never left the water!
Other practices : Surfing / Surf foil / Wing / Dockstart / SUP ride / Swimming / Running / Biking …. Always on the move!
Competitions : N/A
Nb of days on the water per year : A lot! 200 to 250 sessions a year something like that! I would say that I do an average of 4 sessions per week… Obviously less when it’s dark at 5pm, but much more when the days are long 😀
Home Spot : Finistère and Morbihan
Travel Spots : Galice
Favorite Meal :Octopus Wok from The Slab… Just a killer
Favorite Music :  Rap and métal !!!

Kevin Kolahi

Last Name : Kolahi
First Name : Kevin
Height (m) : 178cm
Weight (kg) : 88kg
Profession : Pathologiste, Scientifique
Discipline preferred : Wing
Best Tricks: 360, waves
Waterman since: 2002
Other practices : Kiteboarding
Competitions: N.A
Nb of days on the water per year : 100
Home Spot : San Francisco, CA
Travel Spots : Maui, HI, Hood River, OR
Favorite meal : Korean
Favorite music : Rock

Antonin DENIS

Last name: DENIS
First Name: Antonin
Height (m): 1,83
Weight (kg): 73kg
Profession: Leadership Teacher
Preferred discipline: Consciousness of my daily happiness; and incidentally kitesurfing, snowboarding, wake, surf, foil, diving …
Best Tricks: To continue to learn new sports; to be in the right place with the right conditions; to make a turn or a jump with style.
Waterman since: My birth (my parents were managers of a sailing club in Noirmoutier during the summer)
Other practices: Cinephilia, gardening, literature, personal development, being a good husband, raising my children, …
Competitions: Downhill slalom snowboarding (1990), Skateboarding (1991), since: freerider
Nb of days on the water per year: minimum 50
Home spot: île d’Aix (Charente Maritime) / Dar Bouazza (Morocco)
Travel spots: Dakhla, Essaouira, Oualidia
Favourite meal: Pasta & Sushi
Favourite music: Led Zeppelin, Stones, Beatles -> HIP HOP 90s -> 21st century electro pop


Last Name: PAREY
First Name: Tim
Height (m): 1,75 m
Weight (kg): 78 kg
Profession: Consulting
Preferred discipline: Wing !
Best Tricks: Big downwind
Other practices: Surf, SUP, Habitable
Competitions: IRC
Nb of days on the water per year: As soon as we can
Home Spot: Marseille – Pointe Rouge
Travel Spots: Corsica, Lanzarote, Guadeloupe
Favourite meal: Pesto Pasta
Favourite music: Bohemian Rhapsody

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Definition of the GONG Ambassador role:

  • Promote the Brand and the site gong-galaxy.com by all means possible.
  • Represent our cool and open spirit at your local spots.
  • Send us a ton of action/ambiance/lifestyle shots and your feedback on the gear.
  • Bring us a maximum of clientele eager to live the Aloha!

The Pros for the GONG Ambassador:

  • Incredible prices.
  • The newest products to review.
  • The possibility to change gear often without losing money.

GONG expectations:

We expect our Ambassadors to be the local relay between the local client and our work in developing the sport.

How we select our GONG Ambassadors:

Our selection is not based off of skill level, contrary to our Pro Team, but off the capacity to communicate our passion with respect to our values of durable development and equitable commerce.

The GONG Philosophy in a few words:

  • An open and relaxed spirit, but with real values and competence.
  • Conscious about ecological issues and for responsible actions.
  • A will to develop within an enlightened community.
  • A policy about pricing that fully respects a healthy balance between the factory, the Brand and the client.
  • A distribution based off 100% Direct Sales that lowers the prices so a greater number of people can share our passions.
  • Products that are innovative but conceived and tested for the longest life possible.
  • Communication and imagery through gong-galaxy.com. The most minimal printed publicity possible, less paper more trees.
  • The rejection of Snobism. GONG has the objective to optimize everyones pleasure, everyday and everywhere.
  • The direct contact between the conceivers and utilizers.

Still interested? Contact us via our contact form.

Work at GONG

GONG is growing fast because of you. We’re doubling every year, and this growth is accelerating again.

Our job is very specialized. So much so that finding a candidate that is efficient and fast is rare. In general, it takes us 2 years of formation to integrate one into our ranks. It is simply the delay needed for two product cycles to pass. One is needed to learn, and the second is to get them efficient and working at our rhythm. The GONG rhythm…

First and foremost we’re looking for candidates that are open to this hardcore formation and also have the necessary foundations to progress.

We’re talking about people passionate about Surf and/or Kite. A Surf Culture is primordial. Lots of people come knocking on our door and think having seen Point Break 3 times counts… No, Surf Culture is a long and total immersion in a world that is apart.

We’re talking about people that love action, because GONG moves fast. You need to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, constant change, nonstop progression.

To finish, GONG is a state of spirit that with values that include sharing, passion, outward openness, and social and environmental responsibility. We have a lot of fun here at GONG, and it’s mostly because there some killer people chilling around a box of biscuits…

So if you have a mad desire to live in the Surf world and want to live on the frontier between Vendeé and Brittany, in a magnificent region where the versatility of the Sea is fundamental, then come home.

See our job's position